(ThyBlackMan.com) Intolerance, at times exploding into violence, is spreading throughout our society. And it’s coming from the political left. It’s happening on college campuses. Most recently, students walked out on Vice President Mike Pence’s commencement address at Notre Dame University. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos was interrupted by boos and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The current administration is in a whirlwind of confusion and chaos. Only those that choose to be blind would deny such. However, some would argue there is much to learn from Trump, and the foolishness he has rained on the White House. The man has no word, character, nor integrity. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) How do we respond to change and challenge? What’s the best way to handle anger? What to do about difficult people? The answer: handle it as ‘well’ as we can. Someone much wiser than me once said life is ten percent what happens to us and ninety percent how we ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There is no question about where Jeff Sessions stands regarding nonviolent offenders…or should we say nonviolent offenders that are minorities. He is a threat to black and brown people. We won’t receive justice on his watch. The current Attorney General is one whom Coretta Scott King warned us about, and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Self-care of the Body Temple is a huge factor in strategies for change and achievement. Research has confirmed that the more you get out of your body, the more you get out of life. But what is a strong body? What does it mean to be ‘fit’? According to the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Self hate is defined as the intense dislike of oneself, many in today’s society suffer from such a thing. It has been brought to my attention by various forms of social media the self hate of black men and women. These individuals were not born to hate themselves but were ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) What happens when liberal snowflakes can’t accept losing an election? They appoint a senseless, corrupt Democrat like Rep. Maxine Waters to attack the winner. “Auntie Maxine” became the darling of the far left when she began making unfounded accusations that Russia conspired with the Trump campaign to tamper with the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) One morning a few years ago, I turned out of my neighborhood to head to my office and was startled by what appeared to be a cloud of smoke across a wide swath of gray sky. The tall buildings that normally tower over the nearby streets were nowhere to be ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s not just teenagers who get acne. Unfortunately, it can hit you in adulthood too, and often it can be more difficult to treat than teen acne. Adult acne is a very common issue these days. It may be slightly depressing that it doesn’t go away after our teenage years. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) TRX training is the hottest way to sculpt your body that you haven’t heard of. Developed by the Navy SEALs, TRX training uses your own body weight to build and tone muscles, a major break from traditional weight-lifting exercises. The best part is that TRX not only tones your muscles, ...