Weightlifting Has Met Its Match: The Muscle Sculpting Effects of TRX Training.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) TRX training is the hottest way to sculpt your body that you haven’t heard of. Developed by the Navy SEALs, TRX training uses your own body weight to build and tone muscles, a major break from traditional weight-lifting exercises.

The best part is that TRX not only tones your muscles, it also uses cardiovascular exercises to give you a full-body workout that is fun to do and easy to get the hang of. Here’s a quick guide to this popular exercise and you what you can expect to get from it. If it sounds like something you’re interested in, you can look for the best suspension trainer for you.

TRX Explained

TRX stands for “Total body Resistance eXercise” and is designed to give you an intense workout using only your natural body weight. If you’ve been to a gym recently and have seen the yellow and black straps hanging from the ceiling, this is what they are for.

You place various parts of your body in the straps — legs, feet, hands, arms — and use them as leverage for your exercises focus on your core and helps build and tone all of the muscles in your body. There is virtually a limitless number of exercises you can do with a TRX training system so you can blast stubborn fat anywhere on your body.

TRX training can help you get in shape quickly and effectively, with just a half hour or so of training a few days every week. You can visit a gym or you can purchase your own TRX system so you can exercise from the comfort of your own home.

TRX Focuses on Movements Rather than Muscles

While the ultimate goal of TRX training is to get a toned, well-defined body, the exercises don’t focus on singular muscles as old-school exercise do. Rather, TRX advocates argue that focusing on specific movements is key to developing a well-rounded workout regimen that strengthens muscles while at the same time promoting balance and coordination.

Focusing on movement-based exercises rather than static exercises increases your heart rate and makes you concentrate on your balance, which will help keep your core tight so you can get the most out of your workouts sessions.

Who Can do TRX?

TRX training is safe for almost anyone who wants to get a great workout quickly and effectively. If you are cleared for regular exercise, then you can be sure that TRX training would be a great addition to your exercise regiment.

If you have health problems or recurring pains or injuries, you should consult a physician before starting any exercise regiment. You won’t be lifting any heavy weights, but you will need to be able to hold yourself up against your own weight, so getting clearance from your doctor may be in your best interest if you are worried.

TRX training is an exciting new way to get a great workout, whether you’re at a gym or in your own home.

Staff Writer; Kevin Jones