Jeff Sessions Supports Mandatory Minimums.

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(ThyBlackMan.comThere is no question about where Jeff Sessions stands regarding nonviolent offenders…or should we say nonviolent offenders that are minorities. He is a threat to black and brown people. We won’t receive justice on his watch. The current Attorney General is one whom Coretta Scott King warned us about, and he’s a known liar. With that being said mandatory minimums will continue on his watch, and sentencing may get harsher. Everything President Obama worked for to try and restore justice to sentencing is being undone. Given the direction we are under the best way to get around Jeff Sessions is to try to stay out of the system.

It is understood that many of us are unsafe when going to and from school or work. We know we face police harassment no matter how we dress and act. With that being said it’s unfortunate that we must move about this country on a state of paranoia that is unhealthy. However, we must do all that we can to stay out of handcuffs. Selling drugs is deemed as a nonviolent offence, but those caught up in it risk serving sentences longer than those that have killed. It’s important to reach our young people, and get them off the streets.

We know Jeff Sessions is our enemy, but what we don’t know is how dangerous he is, and it’s important to protect our youth. Our court system is backed up beyond reason, while privatize prisons capitalize on the suffering, and bad decisions of others. Can we imagine how much money the justice department will lose if they started handling the system in a truly color and class blind manner? In the direction our country is headed we’ve began to roll backwards moving further away from a fair justice system. What are we to think? In too many cause we have been shown it’s quite okay to kill if you have a badge.

It’s time we make decisions based on what’s before is. Now, more than ever, education is important. Telling our children the truth about why they can’t always play freely is important. We must put ourselves in a position to be successful, and teach our kids about inheritance when they are young. They must understand the worth and importance of their life in order to understand the dangers they face. Mandatory Minimums don’t just threaten adults…it will threaten our children if they get into a school yard fight. True, it does sound ridiculous, and it is deeply unfair, but we must protect this next generation from the likes of Jeff Sessions while we fight the injustice.

We must wage our own war on drugs in our community not only to did it of this poison, but to help keep our people out of prison. The black community can not afford to give the prison system anymore of our men, and women. We must instill in our youth that selling drugs enslaves them to the prison system…a system that destroys life. Jeff Sessions has his agenda, and we must have ours. Our answer to mandatory minimums must be a hands on fight for our youth, and young people.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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