(ThyBlackMan.com) Malcolm X was quoted as saying, “The Nation of Islam was the best thing to happen for the Black man; but Niggers ruined it. Tupac was quoted as saying, “NIGGAS is an acronym for Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished. And, Reverend Jesse Jackson, who ran for President in 1984, buried the N word; that is, until Obama became the first African American President. It was then that Mr. Jackson resurrected the N word by ascribing it to Obama.
Subsequently, after validating the above paragraph, many readers may infer that the N-word is articulated by many influential African-Americans despite their social and/or political standings. If this rings true then are we fooling ourselves when we firmly suggest that the least-articulate and highly uneducated masses of African- Americans should delete the N-word from their mental computers?
I mean, after a while doesn’t “bury the N-word” begin to resemble a sound-bite for school children or a campaign slogan spewed by hypocritical politicians? Rarely does a week elapse whereas my ears aren’t penetrated by the half-witted, pointed expression that garners so many different reactions. Maybe the white folks didn’t make it up. Maybe it’s in our genes. I decided to check the periodic table.
No! After further scrutiny I discovered that the N word was not one of the 92 natural elements. However, I did unearth another N word that fueled and spearheaded the aforementioned N-word. It is called “NOTHING!”
NOTHING is the inactivity that allows SOMETHING, no matter how horrific, to exist. For example, when police officers across the country seemingly joined forces to perpetuate a nation-wide, genocidal killing spree by murdering Eric Garner (NY), Mike Brown (MO), Sandra Bland (TX), Dontre Hamilton (WI), John Crawford (OH), Ezell Ford (CA), Roger Brown (FL) and countless others, far too many African-Americans did nothing. They didn’t march; they didn’t protest; they didn’t vote; in fact, too many didn’t even care. And, it is this perennial apathy that fuels and energizes the legalized warmongers who fear the inevitable browning of America.
Consequently, although NOTHING is not a natural element, it is most certainly an inorganic extreme weakness that far too many African-Americans have adopted, embraced, and embodied; while chasing elusive dreams of being equal to the persons who created the Nigger. Not the N-word; but the Nigger him and/or herself.
In conclusion, it is the opinion of this writer that both of these N words can only live by co-existence. If you do Nothing, Nothing will change. Not even the N-word.
Staff Writer; Saint Solomon
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