Psyching Yourself Up For The Proposal.

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(ThyBlackMan.comIf you’re planning on proposing to your lady, then you might be feeling a little nervous. Even if you’re 99% sure she’s going to say yes, getting it right is really important. Assuming you’re not worried because you have unresolved issues and you think a proposal will solve your problems, the tips here can help you to psych yourself up. Take a look!

Visualize How You Want It To Go

Visualizing how you want the proposal to go will have a number of benefits for you. Try to do this at least a few weeks in advance. Take around 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening to visualize where you will be, what you will say and do, and what she will say and do. Make sure you feel the feelings that go with these scenes too. Visualization is a tool that many entrepreneurs, athletes, and other successful people use. This should help you feel more at ease, as if you’ve already proposed multiple times! Not only that, studies suggest that it could even give you more of a chance of getting a huge, excited YES from your partner.

Practice In The Mirror

Another technique you can try is practicing in the mirror. If you have the ring and you want to figure out how you pull it out, and whether you get down on one knee, practicing in the mirror can help you to practice and stop you from feeling foolish. You might also want to practice what you’re going to say, but don’t rehearse it so much that it actually sounds rehearsed when you come to propose. You don’t want it to feel fake!

Don’t Be Cliche

Make sure you’re not cliche when you propose. There are a ton of cliche things you could say and do, so make sure you think about what’s been done to death and avoid it. Don’t worry if you’re on a budget; posts like Frugal Ideas for Your Marriage Proposal – The Low Budget Romance can help you to figure out the best course of action to take.

Be Genuine And Speak From The Heart

You may have an idea of what you want to say, but at the time, make sure you plan on being genuine and speaking from the heart. This will feel better to both of you, and you might even find that your partner sheds a few tears listening to you.

Take Some Deep Breaths

Deep breaths might sound like cliche advice, but they can really help in stressful situations. Practice taking deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Make sure you are taking them right into your diaphragm for the best results. You may only need to do this around 8 times to feel super relaxed. When you breathe out, make sure you take longer than the breath in. The best amount of time to go for is 7 seconds for the breath in, and 11 seconds for the breath out.

Good luck!

Staff Writer; Harry Poole