Fascinating New Activities To Try This Year.

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(ThyBlackMan.comIf you are looking for a new sport to get into this year, then you might be finding it difficult to choose between them all. There are so many sports that it is impossible to count them all, and yet it sometimes seems as though so many of them are expensive to get into or take a lot of preparation. What if you are just looking for an activity which is going to keep you fit, be a lot of fun, and not cost you all that much? Well, the good news is, there are plenty of these too, so long as you know where to look. In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the most fascinating new activities and sports that you should try this year. Give these a go, and you won’t be disappointed.


If you have never heard of kronum, that is hardly surprising. This is actually a brand new game, and it is simple and cheap to play – probably two of the reasons why it is becoming so popular so fast. In kronum, you need a circular playing field of around 70 yards, and some of their unique goals. These are essentially large curtain nets with holes at the top for scoring. These are quite easy to make, and cheap too, so getting started in kronum is pretty straightforward. The only difficult part is the scoring system, which is surprisingly complex for a new game, but once you get the hang of that you will find yourself playing this all the time. Those who already spend their time playing krónum will tell you that it is one of the most enjoyable sports to appear in the last hundred years.


Although paintball itself has been around for a few years now, it is still relatively new – and something that is even newer is its latest installment, zombie paintball. In this unique and interesting activity, you and a group of friends are wheeled around in a cart within an apocalypse setting. Your aim is then to shoot as many of the undead as you can see. If this sounds fun, that’s because it is. It’s a great new activity for anyone who loves paintball, or has ever wanted to try paintball and doesn’t mind having a bit of a twist to it. What’s more, there are plenty of zombie paintball places, so wherever you are you can probably get into this in no time at all.


Hantis is kind of in the same realm as krónum, in that they are both relatively new European sports which seem to have quite complex scoring systems. Alos like krónum, however, is the fact that this sport is so easy and affordable to set up and get involved in, that you will wonder why you haven’t been playing it with your family for years. Hantis is essentially an extreme table sport – the first of its kind – and it is gaining followers by the day. Take a look at some more information to find out why.

Staff Writer; Greg Poole