Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber break up, who is getting played.

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( So we thought Selena Gomez had decided she and Justin Bieber were not going to work. The rumor was Selena Gomez was going to pick up her heart and move on. Well it seems that her hang-ups over Justin Bieber might not be over. Many of us know what it’s like to have that first real love type that we can’t seem to get out of our system no matter how hard we try. However, Selena Gomez might be playing the fool with this Justin Bieber situation.

It seems that in her crying, recording, and crying some more over Justin Bieber she seems to have missed many red flags. Selena Gomez does the name Kendall Jenner mean anything to you? Did it occur you that Justin Bieber could have been messing with this broad while going back and forth with you? Selena Gomez, if the rumor mill is true, where is your dignity honey. It seems that you were Justin Bieber played and, seriously, it’s time to move on. There is no amount of loyalty, not love, that can make Justin Bieber come back to you and act accordingly. How many times does he have to ignore, or embarrass, you in public? Selena Gomez you are a very pretty girl with a viable future ahead of you…let Justin Bieber go.

It would be a shame if your relevance becomes further tied to Justin Bieber. Like, it would be so sad to have to google you to find out what it is you are about because all that comes to mine is Justin Bieber. They dude isn’t all of that, and it seems he has a brat complex of his own. At some point Selena Gomez has to take control of her own life, and fate. This is indeed the hard part of being an adult.

Selena Gomez let 2017 be the first year of your life free of Justin Bieber. Don’t allow him to play you nor continue to add dram to your life. You can do bad by yourself…he is not worth the headache. I look forward in the new year to seeing the name Selena Gomez attached to great music and new ventures. It’s really time to make Justin Bieber a chapter in your life that is finally closed.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Sassy