Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Joseline Hernandez baby Bonnie Bella, Stevie J real DAD.

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( Children are a beautiful gift. One would think they help bring stability and clarity to life. It would be wonderful if that were the case for Stevie J and Joseline Hernandez. Many have watched the drama filled journey of these two on Love & Hip Ho: Atlanta. Its spilled from the show to life in a very real way when Joseline Hernandez became pregnant by Stevie J. These two have been nothing but one fight after another from social media to the court room.

Well, on December 28, 2016 the beautiful Bonnie Bella Jordan was born to Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Joseline Hernandez and Stevie J. Nine days before her arrival Stevie J filed for primary custody of the baby. Some fans will hold out hope that baby Bonnie can bring her parents together, but that is a long shot. Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Stevie J and Joseline Hernandez are simply not good for each other. They are a drama filled mess. Honestly, I really do feel sorry for their beautiful baby girl because one day she will know the reality of who her parents are. Her birth will bring no peace…in fact it may cause the fighting to escalate.

We all know Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Joseline Hernandez has a temperamental mouth, and can be prone to violence. Well, it is rumored that Stevie J has moved on with, singer, Candice Boyd. It also seems that this Candice Boyd might be joining the cast of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta. If this is true it’s definitely a recipe for volatile behavior. I’m sure many will be watching just to see how badly the situation will blow up. With this is mind I would definitely hope that Faith Evans steers clear of all this foolishness.

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Joseline Hernandez and Stevie J may never be right again…if they ever really were. The bottom line is they have a little girl to think about, and one can only hope they put the welfare of their baby girl over their petty differences. They don’t need to be together, but they need to get it together. Unfortunately, I’d say don’t hold your breath…they stay relevant because of the drama they cause. I won’t be watching but many will be tuned in asking what now Joseline and Steebie.

Staff Writer; Adonicka Sassy