2016 Politics: Melania Trump Used References We All Use.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) The allegations of plagiarism came “fast and furious” (pun intended), from all mainstream media outlets moments after the gavel banged adjourning the Wednesday evening session of the Republican National Convention. The actions were that Mrs. Melania Trump had plagiarized Michelle Obama’s 2008 Democratic Convention Speech.

The mainstream media, motivated by their contempt for truth, dignity, and for anyone who loves America made fools of themselves. Their accusations were ignorant and morally opprobrious, but obviously not out of character for them.

In her Convention speech Mrs. Trump said: “From a young age my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise; that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily life.”

The verbiage Melania Trump used is as common in individual MelaniaTrump-Politicslexicons as: “hello, goodbye, nice day and goodnight.” I have used virtually, if not at times literally, the exact language verbatim, whenever referencing my late mother and my late grandmother. My son has used almost the exact same verbiage during many of his interviews, speeches, and/or presentations.
We hear athletes make the same verbalizations nearly verbatim. Successful people from Derek Jeter to Tiger Woods to, well, Melania Trump say the same thing.

The media in their rush to a “gotcha” moment succeeded in creating the proverbial tempest in a teapot. The media’s ability to seize so quickly upon such common colloquialisms and yet tacitly refuse to expose the mountain of unimpeachable criminal behavior by Hillary Clinton is further example of their immoral and duplicitous double standards.

What the media did succeed in doing, is yet again having the new media do one of the things it does best – report on the selective moral outrage of left by exposing in full detail what the mainstream media pretends doesn’t exist. In this case the new media immediately exposed the numerous times Obama has factually plagiarized. Obama was factually guilty of lifting major sections from a speech by Deval Patrick, the former Massachusetts governor. In Obama’s State of the Union address in 2014, as President George W. Bush’s lead speech writer told Megyn Kelly: “Obama has gone from blaming [President] Bush to plagiarizing George W. Bush.” (See: Bush Speechwriter: Obama Plagiarized Bush; Hadas Gold; politico.com; 1/29/2014)

Using the media standard for plagiarism, Michelle Obama plagiarized First Lady Laura Bush’s speeches. The simple facts are that you will find remarkable similarities that are at points near carbon copies of speeches by First Lady Laura Bush of First Lady Nancy Reagan. In fact, as the DC Gazette exposed, a speech given by Hillary Clinton in 2014 for the New American Foundation, she parroted much the same verbiage Michelle Obama used in 2008, which was the same verbiage First Lady Laura Bush used in her 2004 RNC speech. (See: Sorry Liberals, Melania Trump Did NOT Plagiarize Michelle Obama’s Speech And This Is Why; posted by Lindsey Bruce; 7/19/2016)

That said, the most important thing is what we did not hear from Mrs. Trump. We did not hear her say, that this was the first time she was proud of her country. We did not hear her derogate anyone. Mrs. Trump spoke of America with a genuine love and appreciation that was palpable. Mrs. Trump did not descend into the usage of anaphoric code words that played to the victim classes.

Except from the usual ideologists, Americans were enthralled by Mrs Trump, a lady who truly exudes appreciation and love for her adopted home.

I would point out to the mainstream media, who breathlessly wait for “gotcha” moments, and for any opportunity to spin a negative narrative, that they remember the lack of character of those they are shilling for. Their willful ignoring the weight of unimpeachable evidences of systemic wrongdoing by the Democrat Party as a whole, and Clinton, Obama, Loretta Lynch, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, and Bill Clinton specifically is viciously ignored and denied by the mainstream media.

As for the voters still on the fence, the question you must answer is who would you rather have in the White House? A genuinely elegant woman who is proud to be an American and who believes in the greatness of America, or the man who when he last occupied the White House was best know for lying to a grand jury, battery against a bevy of women, sexual assaults, molestation, and a stained blue dress?

I’m sure there are those who will echo Hillary Clinton’s sentiments of “what does it matter anyway,” but for those who actually care about the direction America is headed – that’s an important question. Because in the final analysis, leftist sycophants can spin and obfuscate the facts but they cannot erase the voluminous record of wrongdoing and self-serving bad decisions by the Clintons and Obama that have placed all Americans in peril.

Written by Mychal Massie

Official website; http://mychal-massie.com