Black Health 101: Why It’s Important To Feed Your Body the Nutrients it Needs When Building Muscle.

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( Getting your body toned and tough the way you want it to be is easier said than done. Dieting alone won’t do it, and exercise that isn’t coupled with a sensible eating regime won’t either. If you’ve been working out for a while but haven’t gotten the results you were hoping for, it may be time to take a look at your diet. African Americans have always had a history of high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. So, looking at our overall health (diet, exercise) is always a must.

The human body needs basic nutrients, such as protein, to maintain itself. A body that is working hard needs more nutrients. This article should give you a quick idea of how to feed your body not only to maintain it, but to build it. We, as African Americans must always look to make our bodies and mind top priority.

1. Protein is Paramount

It may seem like every time you open a fitness magazine or turn on the news, somebody is talking about protein. This important nutrient is what your muscles are made of, so if you want biggerBlackCouple-Exericising muscles you’ll need to eat more of it. Fortunately, protein tastes good to most people, and is satisfying to eat. While bacon and eggs or a big, juicy steak might be your first choice, lean sources are better for you. Go for grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, fresh fish, egg whites, and low fat milk.

2. Carbohydrates Count

As often as you hear good things about protein, you might hear twice as many bad things about carbohydrates. It’s true that simple, refined carbs such as those found in doughnuts and white bread will cause your body to pack on the pounds if eaten regularly. However, it’s also true that your body needs complex carbohydrates to give you energy to get through the day, especially if you’re working or exercising hard. For us, friendly carbs include whole-grain pasta and bread, brown rice, and sweet potatoes are essential.

3. Healthy Fats Help

If you are trying hard to replace body fat with muscle, it may seem counterintuitive to have fat in your diet. Back in the 1980’s and ‘90’s, food producers inundated consumers with low fat and fat-free options in every aisle of the grocery store. From salad dressing to ice cream, food minus the fat could be found everywhere. The truth is, though, your body needs a certain amount of healthy fats every day. Look for unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, avocados, nuts, and salmon. Many people find these to be tasty and easy to incorporate into a healthy diet.

4. Wash it Down

We love kool-aid but hate the stereotype slammed on us and you may already know that you’re supposed to be drinking plenty of water all day long. But did you know that downing a small bottle of water before a workout will help your body get through the routine? Intense exercise which causes you to sweat can cause cramps and dehydration if your body isn’t supplied with adequate liquid. If plain water bores you, try flavored, as long as it isn’t full of sugar or artificial food additives. Powdered electrolytes, which help you recover from a workout, are available in single-serve packets, and can be shaken into a water bottle.

Put it all Together

Knowing how much to eat is as important as knowing what to eat. If you’re working hard to develop your body into a thing of beauty, you want to do it right. Staying healthy and happy should take precedence over sculpting your abs, so be sure to eat a diet that won’t deprive you. If you ever feel like you just need a cookie, go ahead and eat one. Try the scrumptious varieties made by , a producer of healthy foods.

Here is an example of a day’s worth of healthy meals and snacks that can help you meet your goals:

        Hard-boiled egg whites with whole-grain toast and fresh fruit
        Almonds and a glass of milk
        Free-range chicken breast topped with sliced avocado, brown rice, and a salad topped with sunflower seeds
        Baked sweet potato with butter and sea salt
        Grass-fed beef loin, whole-grain pasta tossed with olive oil, and steamed vegetables.
        Reduced-sugar berry sorbet

Eating six times per day may seem excessive at first, but small, frequent meals and snacks can help your metabolism stay high, which will help burn unwanted fat. As noted above, remember to drink water throughout the day, especially before and after your workout. Learning a new diet regime may seem troublesome at first, but once you’re in the groove you may find that it’s just as easy as your old eating routine.

Two companies that help promote healthy living are hamptoncreek and Horizon Organic

Feeding a working body properly is the key to burning fat and building muscle. Healthy sources of protein, carbs, and fat, washed down with plenty of water, can provide the nutrients you need to meet your goals. Remember, if you’re used to processed and fast foods, this will be a major change for you physically and mentally. But, these changes are crucial to prolonging our lives as African Americans. If it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you.

Staff Writer; Brad Washington

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