A Tribute Too Men of Color and Culture for Father’s Day.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) “What Men of Color and Culture Are”.

Men of Color and Culture are wisdom, like the land that has been in existence when Adam walked the earth. Taking care of the land that took care of him. The land, the land that nurtured him and provided for him and his family. Enabling him to walk the land admiring her beauty and taking in her love and nurturing. Wisdom that even still has power today.

Men of Color and Culture men are athletic, athletic talent honed from years of hunting, tracking, running, jumping, protecting his family from harm and danger, crafting his physical skills to perfection and genetic transference. Teaching his children the skills necessary to survive and thrive.  Perfection in physical accomplishments.

Men of Color and Culture men are brave, brave like the primates who dared to explore their world during their evolutionary procBlackFatherandTeenageSON2016ess, disregarding their physical limitations and challenging their cognitive potential to rationalize, understand and interact in a dynamically changing world. Brave in their creativity, innovation and exploration to be the firsts to explore this world.

Men of Color and Culture are creative, creativity that has laid the foundation for the technological inventions that we enjoy today. The creative spirit that has allowed men of Color and Culture to create the things in our lives, those are necessary in order to survive and flourish. To be able to change the societal dynamics of the human existence.

Men of Color and Culture are diverse, diverse like the hundreds of languages and dialects spoken on global continents. This diversity allows men of color and culture to blend into their environment to adapt, evolve and enlarge their territory.

Men of Color and Culture are intelligent, intelligent to find ways to revolutionize science, medicine, astronomy, music, language, and technology. Intelligent to find ways to expand their intellect and intelligence in global exploration of our seas and even expand to the stars.

Men of Color and Culture are lovers, lovers of life and lovers of freedom. Freedom that has been denied them for hundreds of years either by colonization or slavery.

Men of color and cultures body maybe confined, but their spirit, the essence that makes a man of color and culture always demands to be loved and to give love.

To be free to express this love in his freedom as only a man of color and culture can.

Men of Color and Culture are proud fathers, proudly men of color and culture men have many children either in wedlock or out of wed lock, but they love and are proud of their children. Look at the fathers of color and culture that attend football, basketball and track meets. Men that attend graduations and events that highlight and spotlight their children.

Whether men of color and culture are in the home or not, they are proud of their children’s accomplishments.

Men of Color and Culture are strong, strong like the winds of a hurricane when determined to meet a challenge or overcome controversy. Men of color and culture are strong like the lands they come from that can support deserts, rainforests and diverse civilizations.

Men of Color and Culture are timeless, timeless as history itself. Throughout time men of color and culture have participated in every facet of historical perspective and importance. Their contributions to the world may not be recognized, their contributions may be stolen but true history cannot deny the contributions by men of color and culture.

Men of Color and Culture are unique, unique enough in their mentalities that despite being enslaved, beaten and killed, men of color and culture still make discoveries, seek exploration and exercise their intellectual power and potential.

Men of Color and Culture are victorious, victorious in their struggle for existence.

Victorious in their making their voices heard and respected. Men of color and culture may never be fully accepted, their victories are in their continued existence and triumphs of life.

I’m proud to be an African American man, a man of color and culture and love my people of color and culture. Society should not feel threatened by men of color and culture, society should rest easy that men of color and culture only want what  equal opportunities, and equitable representation in the world of diversity of colors and cultures.

This Father’s Day should be a celebration that there are more men being the fathers their children need them to be, the husbands their wives need them to be, the leaders their homes and communities need them to be and involved in ministries that pray and follow scriptures as they need to be

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.