Rebuttal to: An Uneducated White Guy’s Thoughts on Black People.

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( March 18, 2016 an article was posted on entitled “An Uneducated White Guy’s Thoughts on Black People,” written by Stefan Pyles…one that needs to be addressed.

Context is everything, thus it becomes very important that whenever we talk about something we put it in its proper context, to do otherwise you will be unknowingly socially and politically engineered to support the dominant system and in such instances supporting white domination.  There is a major rule in academics to de-contextualize subject matter that is to take subject matter out of context to project it as race neutral and objective.  The Board of Education itself is the results of a social, political context.

The article appears to be innocuous is well written and to the non-discerning eye comes across as logical and rational.  Yet when placed in its proper context what’s revealed is how paternalistic, patronizing and condescending the writer is.  Let’s begin with the title itself, the writer clearly is well educated…not uneducated…and possess perfect command of the King’s English, very clever blackcommunitycommunicator who is anxious to project his thoughts about black people upon black people as a subliminal form of mind control.

The writer shrewdly equates the African-American’s experience to that of the Jews as if it should be some sort of guideline.  The comparison takes away from the importance and need for Black people to pursue their stolen history.  Jews know all about who they are the comparison he makes has nothing to do with the realities of Black African- Americans and how to rediscover our stolen past.  The term African history is of grave importance—clearly not to him—but it should be to African-Americans and black people everywhere and no need for his approval one way or another.

When any group of people is disconnected from its own historical tradition it is at the mercy of other people. Reading about someone else history and NONE about your own makes one psychologically unbalanced becoming people who don’t belong anywhere; which is the dilemma we as a race find ourselves in today.  Calling ourselves Black or African Americans reveals nothing about our heritage or culture as a race of people.

When Africans come to America they identify with their culture and country, i.e. Nigerians, Ethiopians, Sudanese, Egyptians etc., not as African Americans or Black people. The writer of this article though he is America proudly relates to his European heritage, but try to discourage African-Americans from pursuing our distant culture and heritage.  Who benefits from African-Americans remaining ignorant and in the dark about their heritage and culture? The answer should be obvious!

There are many black historians who can enlighten us if only we would take the time to do our due diligence.  Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Chancellor Williams, Cheikh Anta Diop, Runoko Rashidi, and many others have a wealth of knowledge to share with us about African history.  Dr. Clarke particular has to be rolling over in his grave at the obiter dictum expressed by this author relative to African history.

His endorsement of Nelson Mandela, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois is unimpressive, had he endorsed Malcolm X, Paul Robeson or some black historian of African history would have been a revelation.  It’s ironic that he should make reference to Liberia…everywhere the oppressor goes they bring NO light, but will and do put out the light…as was the case with Liberia and Firestone serving as its de facto monarch.

His comments about racism are also veiled as he dares to suggest that institutionalized racism doesn’t exist in spite of the fact that it is contained in the total systemic, total ideology of this country.  Whether he chooses to admit to it or not doesn’t matter, what matters is how we as a group think and believe, and we either think for ourselves or allows others to do our thinking for us as this individual surreptitiously…is trying to do.  We must understand that a racist society is about structuring social and political economic circumstances.  Psychological and cultural circumstances such that one race can take advantage of another, one race can enhance itself at the expense of another…thus black people are in NO position to be racist.

We must understand that racism involves the power of one race to impose its will upon another thus ultimately it is about power.  White people engage in racism because they have the power to do so.

The methodology being used by the writer of this article is the same used in our schools and that is to indoctrinate our children to think a certain way.  We need to understand that no one is going to educate us in the methodology that’s going to take power away from them. Powerful people never educate powerless people…they train them as to WHAT to think not HOW to think.

True education for black people is an education that’s appropriate for our survival and the education being received via the American academic system is to maintain white domination and white supremacy. Thus once again when reading Eurocentric contents black people must learn how to apply it in our own context…not the oppressor…otherwise you will be dumbed down.

Insofar, as his comments about use of the n-word.  Be cognizant that when another people interjects words into you such as the n-word it is MORE than a label it is a full descriptive and these words descriptions are related and associated with each other, thus when the person accepts the label they accept the total descriptive thing and when those words get into the brain they incarnate and coordinate the chemistry and physics of the body so that the person closely fits and acts the descriptive.  Use of the n-word is the alienation and implantation of a foreign spirit and must be removed…in other words take back control of your own mind and refrain from usage of the 18th century slave mentality syndrome.  We must NEVER forget that it was our oppressor who initially taught, programmed and conditioned us to embrace that incorrigible, evil, immoral racist term n**ger/n**ga.  And we have never bothered to inquire as to WHAT was the [purpose] and [intent] behind it? When we do our due diligence we’ll learn that the n-word is more than just a word…it serves as a self-destructive weapon.

In summation the writer’s opinions doesn’t reflect the realities and concerns of Black African-Americans relative to self-empowerment, self-determination. Instead his narcissistic focus is about projecting [his] realities into the hearts, minds and soul of black people which is inimical to our survival and well-being.  Not good!

Staff Writer; H. Lewis Smith

This talented brother is the founder and president of UVCC, the United Voices for a Common Cause, Inc., author of Bury that Sucka: A Scandalous Love Affair with the N-Word, and the recently released book Undressing the N-word: Revealing the Naked Truth, Lies, Deceit and Mind Games

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