(ThyBlackMan.com) Numbers don’t lie, but some people who use them do. Taken every five years and published in phases over a period of two or three years, the Economic Census relative to Black owned business ownership has finally been released. It contains information captured in 2012 on Black businesses and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Men suffer from many back problems that cause them undue pain. If you’re one of those men, here’s what’s likely causing you so much trouble, and what you can do for prevention. Your Poor Posture Is Killing Your Back If you slouch, you’re undoubtedly causing a lot of strain ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Today one could argue that there are at least two churches on every major street in every major city in this country. There are denominations then sub-denominations within them. There are church organizations like the National Baptist Association and the Southern Baptist Association. There are ministries in shopping malls, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Recent threats by ISIS and other terrorists groups highlights the inherent dangers of posting content on Social Media platforms that others can track and monitor. Having a digital presence and exposure provides notoriety, but exposes people to unintended dangers. When accessing the Internet there is a digital bridge that ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Throughout history man has worshipped everything from the sun, mountains, and mice. Since America’s inception, Christianity has been the leading religion of the land. Though recently, Christian denominations have suffered great declines in membership. Numerous ex-members are instead finding solace with what they believe is a more tangible God: ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I am from New Orleans. I was born in 1981, and I love my city unconditionally. On August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina threatened to destroy the city I love so dearly for all time. It was not unreasonable to question whether the city could bounce back. The response defied ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Let me begin by giving a round of applause to the Pittsburg Steelers for signing my main man Michael Vick to their organization. I’m so excited about this season! Now, while strolling on Facebook a few minutes ago I quickly realized that several animal rights groups in Pittsburg are ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Let’s get busy! Please e-mail or face book this piece to a friend. For many seasons, I have written articles regarding the anticipated failure of an economic recovery using only monetary policy. I projected without equivocation that this economic recovery would fail ( https://thyblackman.com/2014/11/10/3-reasons-why-the-current-economic-recovery-will-fail/ ). African Americans need to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Parents you may want to keep your children from reading this post, especially if you’ve been pushing the American ideal for them to go to college so they can get a good job to have a comfortable life. Personally, I think college is a waste of money if people ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Here’s my taxi question. If a person is law-abiding, has a driver’s license, has a car or van that has passed safety inspection, and has adequate liability insurance, is there any consumer-oriented reason he should not be able to become a taxicab owner/operator? Put another way: If you wish ...