Taking Care of Your Health in Retirement.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Retirement doesn’t have to be the end of the road. In fact, for many, retirement is just the beginning. However, retirement also means getting older. There are several health problems that can affect men of retirement age, which is why it’s important to take care of your health. Below are some tips for keeping yourself healthy, to make your retirement a pleasant adventure:

Get Regular Checkups

This cannot be stressed enough. A regular checkup will screen for any existing health issues, help you determine your risk of future health issues, and keep you up-to-date on your vaccinations. As African-American men age, they are at greater risk for diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and stroke. Men over age 40 should have:

  • Blood pressure and cholesterol screening, once a year – or more frequently if there is a family history;
  • Diabetes screening, every three years – or more frequently if there is a family history;
  • Colon cancer screening every year to five years – depending on the type of test and family history;
  • Dental exams at least once a year;
  • Eye exams every one to three years; and
  • Physical exams once a year, including mental health screening.

It is also recommended that men over 45 discuss prostate cancer screening and osteoporosis screening with their physicians, especially if they have risk factors or a strong family history.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

The human body requires a complex mix of nutrients and calories to function properly. Having a healthy diet means that you get all of the nutrients and calories that you need, without a lot of the things that you don’t.

For example: small amounts of alcohol can be beneficial to your health, but too much can actually cause health problems and exacerbate existing health issues.

A healthy diet should include lean proteins, monounsaturated fats, and lots of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are also beneficial because they contain a lot of fiber which makes for healthy bowels.

Having healthy bowels contributes to immune function and also ensures that you avoid constipation, which can lead to hemorrhoids. However, if you do develop hemorrhoids, there are several hemorrhoids products on the market that can help relieve your symptoms.

A healthy diet can also help you maintain a healthy weight.

Exercise Regularly

Like maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight. Regular cardiovascular exercise conditions your heart, lungs and blood vessels and can actually reduce your risk of developing heart disease and hypertension. If you have diabetes, regular cardiovascular exercise can help you manage your blood sugar as well.

Regular strength training conditions your muscles and strengthens your joints. It can also strengthen your bones to prevent, or even reverse, osteoporosis. It is also highly recommended for individuals with osteoarthritis.

Regular stretching keeps your muscles, tendons, and joints flexible, and is also recommended for individuals with osteoarthritis.

You don’t need to spend money on a gym membership to get the exercise you need. Taking daily walks, daily stretches, and investing in some affordable hand weights can all help you satisfy your daily requirement for exercise.

Staff Writer; Brad White