Nine Ways to Drastically Reduce Expenses this Summer.

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( Have Fun in the Sun Without Emptying your Purse.

There was a famous old Nat King Cole song in the early 60s – roll out those lazy hazy crazy days of summer. Well the lazy and hazy is fine but we’re here to try and help you cut out the crazy so that when fall follows summer, your bank balances will still look healthy.

It’s actually quite easy to have a lot of enjoyment without seeing the cash spill through your fingers. Here’s a few suggestions:

1. Like the bluebird, the ideal holiday destination could well be far nearer than you think. You can have a really great time if you opt for a vacation where you pack the family into the car and see how far you can drive in a day. Just think – you’ll be saving on air fares, you won’t be restricted by any baggage allowance, you won’t have to wait around airports and go through those security lines.

2. Or why not be even more radical and holiday at home. This does take planning but it could be the most enjoyable vacation you have ever had if properly arranged. First you have to have scout’s honor that work is totally out of bounds. Put your house phone on answer, don’t open any post and try not to check any emails. Work out a daily program which of course can permit you to drive to places there and back in a day. Treat yourself to meals out with the money you are saving on accommodation and transportation.Family Packing Car for a Trip

3. Let’s suppose you have set your heart on far flung fields and there is no alternative to flying. Save money, hundreds of dollars in fact, by using budget airlines or by not flying direct.

4. Is it possible for you to have your summer later? OK you can’t change the seasons but travelling off-season allows you to enjoy far lower prices all round.

5. Going to a theme park? Save money by advance booking and by looking for bargain offers on the net and in magazines. Similarly if your holiday treat involves museums or art galleries, be aware that they often have free days so book strategically.

6. They say the best things in life are free. Explore the lakes and the mountains, use free campsites and picnic grounds. Holidays under canvas can be fun!

7. Try not to go to a hotel – they are places to spend money not save it. Opt for renting an apartment and cooking your own favorite meals.

8. Buy your holiday necessities at home. Prices in holiday destinations are invariably higher so whether it’s t-shirts, hats, sunscreen or insect repellent, come prepared! Similarly fill your cool bags up with produce bought in your local supermarket, just buying fresh food on site.

9. However much you budget, you need an emergency reserve. Remember that you can borrow up to $20,000 with auto title loans, delivered within the hour.

Staff Writer; Corey Smith