Book Release; When The Police Kill Your Son – A Mother’s Story.

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( I was introduced to Kathy Oliver, an African-American, at a Jamaican social club in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It came out during our conversation that she was introduced to Jamaican culture by her significant other, a Rastafarian named Martin. She remarked that she had written a book about the death of her son at the hands of the police in Tamarac, Florida. She explained that she undertook the work as a way of working through her grief and wanted to share her experience with other mothers who had lost sons to violence.

Weeks later she handed me a stack of hand-written sheets and I was faced with the daunting task of producing a computer document AMothersStory-2015from what she gave me. Knowing she lacked the resources I agreed to get her work published. What Kathy produced is a work of fiction – a “what if” account of her son resurrected and able to live out his life. This work gives an insight into what the survivors of police violence might endure. The resilience of the human spirit in the face of death, and the role of faith in God and the bonds of family and friends in the return to a normal life for the survivors are highlighted in this tale.

This book ends with excerpts from a statement by Kathy to mothers of at-risk Black youth. That statement is especially relevant today with the seeming increase of police killings of Black youth. Black young men are treated differently by police – that is undeniable. Kathy’s words to other mothers just might save some precious lives. Please read and reflect on her testimony.

Written By Kathy Oliver & Wendell Scott

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