What’s Wrong With Homosexuality?

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Other Than The Fact That It’s Being Forced Down Our Throats…

Finally homosexuality and lesbianism has infected the African-American community. Is this hate speech? No, it is speaking out against what is wrong and what is being shoved down our throats. Homosexuality is wrong on so many levels that it damages the fabric of society and the foundation of the family. Now I know you are expecting me to start spouting off Bible verses, but the spiritual wrong involved is only one of many reasons and categories, so let’s start elsewhere.

Homosexuality and lesbianism are not natural. They are unnatural and therefore they are what is against nature. Look at the numbers and you can see the facts for yourself. If you believe in evolution (or creation), you must acknowledge there is an apparent order to all things. When that order is broken or deviated from, things go wrong and over the long term, more harm is done than good. Homosexuality is biologically wrong because it is unproductive. We were given the tools to procreate and neither homosexuality nor lesbianism can accomplish this. That means over time the numbers of any species will be severely reduced and homosexuality will become a nail in the coffin of self-extinction. You might say they can reproduce by artificial means, but you would be proving my point that a man and woman are needed biologically. And that which is artificial is not real.

Biologically homosexuality and lesbianism are wrong because we are not built for such deviations. There is no way for a child to be born without the sperm of the man and the egg of the woman. And the process of conception anatomically matches the parts we use to bring it about. Two men having the same parts cannot do it, nor can two women. Coincidence? No.

Homosexuality is wrong because it is a perversion that takes a person down a path to other perversions. Thus just as weed is a “gateway drug”, homosexuality and lesbianism are “gateway behaviors”. Once a person loses his or her morals, values and social standards, it is just a matter of time before anything goes. That is why our country made laws against having sex with minors (pedophilia), dead people (necrophilia), immediate family members (incest) and animals (bestiality). And today there are homosexuals, bisexuals, lesbians, metrosexuals, sapiosexuals, transsexuals and transgenders. There are threesomes, sex parties and orgies. Prostitution is at an all-time high and they are getting younger and younger. There is wife swapping and polyamory (open relationships), all of which waste away monogamy and further confuse our youth.

Here is another anomaly. What about the lesbian women who want a woman who walks, talks, dresses and acts like a man? Is she confused about roles or what? My point here is that even when homosexual men and lesbian women are flaming and out of the closet, a great many of them display the inherent need for the opposite sex, even if it’s in the form of a perverted substitute. The perversion has to stop. Just because you want to do it, that does not mean you should. Your conscience is supposed to be a barrier to block you from acting on some of the things that come to mind so wake up. I am attracted to the sack of money in the armored truck at the bank, but I don’t run up and steal it.2015-homosexuality

Homosexuality and lesbianism are medically dangerous. The spread of AIDS was directly related to homosexuality and promiscuous bisexuality made it spread into the heterosexual population. The nature of “sex” between two females also often involves behaviors that expose them to secretions, other diseases and fluids much more overall than men are exposed to. I don’t want to get too graphic so ask a Gynecologist. The mother and father of a child serve a unique purpose in that child’s life that cannot be effectively substituted to get the same results. Fact: When the father is not around, children have a shortage of dopamine in the brain (the motivator chemical). A woman acting and dressing like a man cannot produce this. Fact: Likewise when the mother is not around, the children lack the production of seratonin. And two men cannot produce this type of chemically balanced reaction.

Homosexuality and lesbianism are sometimes the results of molestation. Many people who end up homosexual or lesbian have been molested as children. When a child is molested or raped, it damages his or her psyche and/or spirit. Such awful acts weaken his or her inhibitions, thus making the child more receptive to the act sooner or later. It is then no longer foreign or taboo to them. This is similar to when a young girl is raped and ends up as a prostitute when she is older. Her inhibitions are broken and the wall between right and wrong is blurred then torn down. There are patterns that emerge and research has also proven this Eddie Long.

Sociologically, homosexuality is often the result of something gone wrong in the home. Homosexuality and lesbianism are sometimes the result of rebellion, peer pressure or lack of role models. Rebellion in the sense that a young person wants to bump heads with the status quo, similarly to the preacher’s kid might ironically end up as wild and “out there”. As for peer pressure, young people do what they see their friends do. They are curious and looking for an identity. They find identity in the examples they see around them, especially when they lack strong parental role models. In so many African—American homes today where there is no father present or involved, the young man is left to find his role models where ever he can. Who is there to teach him what and how a man should be? Nobody. Similarly, with young girls, the absent father leaves her with no standard of who she should be with and how she must demand to be treated. In both cases a kind of perverted “anything goes” mentality develops. Some fathers, some mothers and some of the system this country has created are at fault.

Homosexuality or lesbianism sometimes develops as a result of bad experiences with the opposite sex. If a 5 year-old girl is raped by a 40 year old man, she may in fact develop a hatred for men, especially if she was raped by a man she trusted. Ironically, if a boy is sexually assaulted by a man, he is likely to become a homosexual or bisexual. In these cases, the Psychological impacts of a damaged psyche result in homosexuality or lesbianism. Picture this, a heterosexual woman with two daughters has awful luck finding a good man. She ends up dating abusive men, unfaithful men, lazy men and users. Each week she talks to her female friends on the phone about the loneliness, the sadness and the pain. Each week her daughters overhear the phone calls, see the tears and feel the depression. What do you think her daughters think of men? Subconsciously her daughters grow to hate and distrust men, equating men with sadness, sorrow and pain. So they push back from relationships with men and they don’t even understand why. They are likely candidates for lesbianism.

Our country as a whole does not accept homosexuality and lesbianism. How can it when it has been said that our country has biblical foundations? The President is supposed to uphold the Constitution and represent the wishes of the people. President Bush signed the “In Defense Of Marriage Act” which defined marriage as being between a man and a woman. President Clinton did the same. But then President Obama, who plays to ANY crowd, went against both past Presidents and the overall majority wishes of the people. Will a man sell his soul or sear his conscious to get votes and to be politically correct? Apparently so. Now homosexuality and lesbianism are being shoved down our throats and taught to our kids in school like a religion. When those of us who know it’s wrong are willing to speak out, we are made to look like the bad guys. But wrong is wrong and people better wake up.

God did not make people homosexual or lesbian. That is the biggest load of scapegoating bullcrap I have ever heard. It would make no sense for God to create man and woman to procreate, tell them to be fruitful and multiply then make a bunch of people who wanted same sex partners. It would be God working against Himself and the Bible says a house divided against itself cannot stand. Plus the Bible has a lot to say against homosexuality and none of it is good. Yet part of our society either says God is wrong or implies that God is at fault. But let’s be honest. People just want to do whatever they want, whatever feels good and what they see other people doing. See Romans 1:26-27(vile, unnatural), I Cor 6:9-11 (Effeminate, catamites or young boys used as lovers for older men), Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 and Jude 1:7 (strange flesh).

       Nobody is born a homosexual or lesbian. No infant boy is lying there in a crib at 2 months old thinking about having sex with a man. He is not thinking about sex at all, with anybody. Neither is the infant female. Who you have sex with is a choice, unless you are raped, molested or drugged. People need to accept the responsibility of their choices. But so many find it easier to blame God because it eases their conscience and takes the guilt off their heads about making a perverted decision they inherently know to be wrong. Stable heterosexuals do not walk around announcing that we are “flaming heterosexuals” and neither should homosexuals. If what you do in your bedroom is your business, why feel the need to show it flamboyantly on the streets? Why make the privacy of who you have sex with into a public issue? Why try to force us to accept it as normal when we don’t even know you? As the rights of homosexuals and lesbians grow, the rights of heterosexuals quietly diminish. WAKE UP!

I submit to you that a great many people who are homosexuals or lesbians know it’s wrong for many reasons. They know it’s not the norm. They know their parents did not bring them up that way. I also say this because the fact that they call it something other than what it is allows for a form of denial. Homosexuals and lesbians call themselves “gay”. Why when the word “gay” does not mean that at all by original etymological and denotative definition. Why not call yourself what you are, unless you know the actual terms ring a bell inside you that it is wrong? Here is an analogy. Many women who have abortions find it easier for their conscience to say they are aborting a fetus than to say they are killing their unborn child. This play on words eases the consciences of those who cannot face the truth about what they are doing.

For those of you who say “don’t judge”, God has already judged homosexuality as wrong. The Bible, the Quran (Surah 7:80-84, 26:165-166, 4:16), the Hadith (Abu Dawud 4448, Bukhari 72:774) and most religions are clear on this. Neither I nor this article prescribe or suggest a governmental punishment or penalty for homosexuality, but it is interesting to know for purposes of research that in Saudi Arabia, Iran and several other Muslim countries, the death penalty is administered for homosexuality. But before some of you try to take this paragraph and run with it as if it’s hate speech, know that it is freedom of speech, know that it is factual research and know that despising homosexual or lesbian behavior does not advocate that anyone hate the person, but rather the act, the behavior and the lifestyle. Hating an individual is a bad thing no matter where it’s found, who it comes from or who it is shown towards.

For those of you who say “just let everybody do their own thing as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone”, there is a problem. Homosexuality hurts the social order of the African-American community (roles in family identity), it violates divine order (procreation) and it violates cosmic order (genetically, biologically, biochemically). Furthermore, we cannot all just do as we please. You cannot drive as fast as you want to with YOUR car. You cannot commit suicide with YOUR body. You cannot beat YOUR children with a steel pole. You cannot have sex in a public park or in the mall. You cannot have sex with a dead person, a child or an immediate family relative. All of these behaviors are regulated by our society and they are rules for you, me, our bodies, how we interact with others and the things that belong to us.

Our numbers in the African-American community are dropping, partly because of disease, incarceration, poverty, crime, abortion and yes because of homosexuality and lesbianism. We need more young people who can carry us into the future with a strong sense of identity and clearly defined roles. We need two parent households with a mother and a father. Statistics have proven that. As a family and relationship life coach, mediator and counselor, I have interviewed thousands of people who verify the painful truths of this article. Nobody should hate anybody and I do not say we should hate homosexuals or lesbians. All of them are not bad, but all of them are lost. Just as all heterosexuals are not good and many heterosexuals are lost in other areas. We should work to love everyone, get along with everyone and help everyone. But that does not mean we have to accept their behavior. And for all of you who are homosexual or lesbian, if your parents thought like you do, you would not be here to read this.

Staff Writer; Marque-Anthony