114th United States Congress; Game of Stones.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Tuesday, January 6th marked the first day of the 114th United States Congress. By all accounts, it was a comedy of errors. An occasion which offered the Republican Party a new beginning in a new year to demonstrate a new sense of urgency towards addressing America’s simmering issues turned into a recap of my 10th grade English class under Ms. Stowers at Thomasville High School. That particular Tuesday became all about the following themes: man versus nature, man versus man, man versus party, man versus self, man versus the President, and the present versus the past, and even the present versus the future. Things got medieval in Washington, D.C. the other day. You’ve heard of HBO’s popular show “Game of Thrones.” Welcome to a brand new reality show in the nation’s capital. I call that show “Game of Stones.”

The Capitol isn’t Stonehenge. Washington, D.C. isn’t a mystical realm pulled straight from the pages of George R. R. Martin’s series of fantasy novels. However, in light of the lack of legislation or debate from our elected leaders there, the nation’s capital may as well be based in a faraway realm of dungeons and dragons.

Any regular reader of my op-ed column is well aware of my affinity for the Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner. I like him. I respect him. And I feel sorry for him. If you’ve ever been in the unfortunate situation of having an unreasonable boss or feeling like the only sane person in an insane working environment or constantly being blamed for circumstances totally beyond your control, you should be able to relate to Mr. Boehner. I certainly can. The House Speaker has voluntarily fallen on more swords than any of us could begin to count. He’s done that for the good of his party. It’s crystal clear to even the casual observer that the man wants bipartisanship. Mr. Boehner wants to get something done on longstanding issues like immigration reform, but his hands are tied. You can’t find a better soldier for his political party (whose first name is not Barack, that is) who is hated on more than Mr. Boehner.Congress-2014

As The Who once sang: “Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.”

The first order of business last Tuesday was an attempt within the Republican Party to replace Mr. Boehner as House Speaker. 25 conservatives broke rank in as public a fashion as possible. It was the largest rebellion against any Speaker of the House since 1859. 29 votes would have denied Mr. Boehner retaining his speakership. Two things helped: [1] the absence of two dozen Congressional members at the time of Mr. Boehner’s speakership vote because they were attending the funeral of Mario Cuomo, the former Democratic governor of New York; and [2] the lack of intestinal fortitude (stones) of the rest of the sitting members of his fellow Republicans in Congress. As you might imagine, Tuesday’s revolt against Mr. Boehner led to the basest of human instincts – revenge. Two of the GOP leaders who rallied against Mr. Boehner as Speaker of the House – Rich Nugent (R-FL) and Daniel Webster (R-FL) – paid for their actions by being removed from the influential Rules Committee. Media reports and Mr. Boehner’s political allies both suggest that more heads will roll soon.

Before you could say abracadabra, Wednesday saw the Republicans in the new Congress roll up their sleeves to do nothing. They proceeded to champion their same, tired, old ideas of years past. A bill authorizing the Keystone XL pipeline? Check. Another anti-Obamacare bill? Check. Using a funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security as the means to undo President Obama’s Executive Actions on immigration reform? Check. Five separate, national anti-abortion bills? Check. None of the aforementioned bills will ever see the light of day. The President will veto every single one of them. The GOP knows this better than anyone, yet they will pretend to be confused once he does so.

Come on, guys. Start with issues both sides agree on – then move forward. Stop throwing rocks and hiding your hands. Communicate. Debate. Legislate. Work with the President! America really needs that.

I would love for the Republicans not to repeat the mistakes of the 111th Congress. In 2009-2010, the Democrats had the majority in the House and in the Senate. While they got some legislation passed, they also squandered golden opportunities. The Affordable Care Act is good, but it could have been great (single payer). They didn’t address the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, homelessness among US veterans, or immigrant reform when they had the votes to push those issues through – although with a President ready, willing, and able to sign those bills into law. The Democrats lacked the unity then to do what needed to be done for the greatest good of the nation. In 2010, progressives paid the price. The “party of no” must now prove it can govern effectively – or suffer the same fate in the near future as the Democrats suffered in the not-so-distant past.

In a week and a half, the Republicans are already showing dysfunction instead of decision-making. Critics criticize. Leaders lead. We need the GOP to make the transition. ASAP. Do they dare to step up?

People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. This isn’t a game. We won’t get fooled again.

Staff Writer; Arthur L. Jones, III

This talented brother is a local Minister, weekly featured Democratic Op-Ed columnist, non-profit advisor, and sees the Braves winning it all this fall. Rev. Jones welcomes your comments! Please email him directly at: tcdppress@gmail.com.