(ThyBlackMan.com) On Tuesday, Kanye West and A.P.C, a clothing line he partnered with released their second installment of clothes to sell to the general public and the fashion connoisseurs. For those of you who may wonder about the sensation of this event, Kanye West isn’t selling anything cheap; a general ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) About two days ago, the Black webosphere was lit ablaze with controversy when popular hair blogging website, Curly Nikki, featured a white woman, Sarah, to discuss her own “hair journey.” In a tale that is becoming as old as time, once again a space that was deemed safe for ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Officials of the World Health Organization (WHO) state there have been more than 635 cases of Ebola spread across Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia since West Africa’s first and current Ebola outbreak.  There are fears by the international community that the disease will spread to neighboring countries.  This is ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) To truly understand the levels of racism in the human mind will drive a person insane and I”m sure it has done that to many. But I will attempt to try an make it clear as it applies to black people. To start I have to say that the root of ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Over the past few weeks, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has rendered several major decisions. These have either been applauded or vilified depending on which side of the political spectrum one is on. Personally, I could care less about the decisions, which from my perspective have ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) In present day we spend billions as a nation on beauty products and procedures, but what if all you needed to stay looking young and feeling beautiful was a few specific vital vitamins and minerals? Find out how you can keep your skin soft, radiant and blemish free as ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Anyone who wants to achieve personal wealth has to have a little hustle. Climbing the corporate ladder can help you make all the money you need, but if you’re still working on the first few rungs of the ladder, it’s a good idea to look at other ways you ...