The Beauty Benefits From Eating Fruit.

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( In present day we spend billions as a nation on beauty products and procedures, but what if all you needed to stay looking young and feeling beautiful was a few specific vital vitamins and minerals? Find out how you can keep your skin soft, radiant and blemish free as well as have healthy hair and nails just by eating the right fruits.


If you’re trying to grow your hair or are suffering from brittle dry ends certain fruits could be the answer to your problems. The nutrient you need more of is called Biotin and found in various fruits. Biotin is a natural steroid for hair and can boost growth.

Biotin can be found in: Apples, peaches, bananas and watermelon. So stock up on these fruits. Add them to your breakfast or have as a healthy snack.

For damaged hair, pack your diet full of avocados as they are considered to be a hair rescuing remedy. They are a natural moisturiser that can help bring damaged hair back to life and encourage new growth.

If you’re having a bad hair day, turn to fruit to give your hair the natural boost it needs. Sites like can deliver fresh fruit so you never have to go without, especially when you need it most.


Fruits are full of antioxidants, vital vitamins and minerals and help keep you hydrated, so it’s no wonder they can be a miracle skin booster. What you choose to eat shows on the outside and if your diet is lacking the vitamins and minerals it needs your skin Pregnant Woman Eating Fruit Salad on Sofa will suffer from blemishes and dryness.

For glowing skin that’s soft and clear eat: Blackcurrants, blueberries, kiwis, oranges, strawberries and papaya. All are high in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant so will rid you of any spots and blemishes. They all also have a high water content and staying hydrated is essential to healthy skin that glows naturally. They also contain collagen which helps keep skin looking young and produces strong capillaries which helps supply your skin with everything it needs.


Are you finding that your nails are brittle, constantly breaking and you are never able to grow them? This could be simply fixed by adding a few extra nutrients into your diet. Firstly, you may need to up your calcium intake, but by eating certain fruits you could promote growth and healthy strength in your nails.

Similarly to your hair, your nails could benefit from Biotin, which will help them grow a little faster, so pack your diet full of Biotin rich fruits to see an improvement in the strength and growth. Getting enough vitamin A and C daily will also help your nails become healthier; fill up on: Oranges, strawberries, kiwis and other citrus fruits.

By adding just a few of these healthy beauty boosting foods to your diet you could see shinier hair, clearer skin and stronger nails in a matter of weeks. Plus they help in the long term too making sure your skin doesn’t suffer later on in life.

Staff Writer; Sherry Carter