The Truth of Genesis: An Attack Against Christians & Jews – Part 7A, Yeshua’s Disciples!

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( What is the “Kingdom of God”?  What does it mean?  We have only one instance on record where Jesus ever told anyone (other than His disciples), “how to be saved” (John 3:5).  He has delegated that task to His disciples.  What is the “birth of the water”?  What is the “birth of the Spirit”?

The Kingdom of God is original Christianity, which is still offered to modern mankind to be earned as compensation for being subjected to the evil of Lucifer.  It is a two tier existence, that will be explained later.  The birth of the water is repentance, followed by water immersion, calling upon the name of Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ).   It is for the removal (remission) of sins.  This is the “birth of the water” (Acts 2:38).  The false trinitarian doctrine, and the changing of Matthew 28:19 (from “in mycross-sunset-2014 name” to “Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost”) was established under Constantine.  The discovered Hebrew manuscript of Matthew proves that the trinity formula is invalid.  That’s why trinitarians have been yet subject to the will of Satan, and their baptism does not wash away sins.

As stated in Part 5 (, the first Pentecost day was at Mt. Sinai, when Yehovah shouted down a portion of His commandments.  The feast of Pentecost was fulfilled on the 8th day of the third month (June 20, 28 AD), when the Spirit of Yeshua (again) spoke for many to hear on the Temple Mount, when the “true church” was born.  When the Holy Ghost is received, it makes an audible sound, whether or not the person has the ability to speak.  This is the “birth of the Spirit” (Acts 10:44 -48).  The best example of “how to become a Christian” is Acts 19:1 – 6. There is no compromise on this.

Every year, on the tenth day of the first month, the High Priest would select the primary lamb in Bethlehem, and take it to a particular gate and thru the streets of Jerusalem, with the crowds yelling “Hoshana”, and up into the Temple Mount where it is examined for three more days.

Once the High Priest states that “I find no fault in him”, the lamb is sacrificed in the late afternoon.  A portion of the barley crop outside of Jerusalem is marked into tied groups, in the field, to be taken into the Temple at the end of the following weekly Sabbath, and offered on the first day of the week (Sunday) after preparation as a first fruit offering to Yehovah.  From the marking of the barley, till the offering of the first fruits, the priest is expected to remain in seclusion.

It is prudent to mention now, that on the Day of Atonement, before Solomon’s Temple was destroyed, the High Priest would sprinkle blood seven times on the East end of the Mercy Seat, which was upon the Ark of the Covenant.  This was for the forgiveness of sins for the people of Israel, for one year.

How did Yehovah keep His promise to both Moses and King David, that the Promised One would be of their lineage?  Moses was of Levi.  David was of Judah.  It was accomplished by the “seed of the woman” (Genesis 3:15).  The mother of John the Baptist was Elisabeth, of the lineage of Aaron (Luke 1:5).  Her cousin, Mary, was many years younger, but both their mothers were sisters.  Mary’s father, (also) named Joseph, was of the Davidic line, and was the twelfth generation from the carrying away into Babylon (the KJV mistranslates).  Mary was the thirteenth generation, and Jesus was the fourteenth.

Mary was of the Davidic line from Joseph, her father.  Mary’s husband (also Joseph) was not of the direct kingly line, but still a descendant of David.  Mary’s mother was a Levite, of the lineage of Moses and Aaron, who married a Judean.  Therefore, Mary was both a Levite and a Judean.  Since Yeshua took on all of the attributes of His mother, He also was half Levite, and half Judean.  Therefore, He is both King, and Priest, like unto the order of Melchizedek!

In Part 5, we said that Levi, the 3rd son of Jacob, was born in very early 2072 BC, and Judah (the 4th son) in very late 2072 BC, with Leah being their mother.  It was a shadow picture of what was to come.  John the Baptist, the full Levite, was born in the first month, about the time of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (in 3 BC), and circumcised on the eighth day.  Six months later, Jesus was born (being both a Levite and a Judean), on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles (September 26, 3 BC), in a “sukkah”.  The plans were for Mary to stay at an inn, while her husband lived outside in a booth he made.  But since there were no vacancies, Mary stayed for seven days in the sukkah with Joseph.  The “barn” and the “manger” are English version misinterpretations.      

In 28 AD, Jesus fulfilled the Spring feasts.  On the tenth day of the first month (Saturday, April 24th), before the High Priest makes it back to Jerusalem with the lamb, Jesus rides in thru the gate and in the streets, while the people are shouting “Hoshana”, up to the Temple Mount.  The Pharisees wanted the people to stop shouting because the High Priest hadn’t made it back yet.

During the next three days of inspection, Jesus cleansed the Temple, answered “render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s”, “In the resurrection, they neither marry, or are given in marriage”, and posed the question “how could the Messiah be both Yehovah and David’s son?”.

On Tuesday night, the Sanhedrin held a “kangaroo court”, and crucified Jesus on Wednesday, after Pilate said “I find no fault in Him”.  There was an earthquake, which cracked open both the ground at the cross, and the graves of twenty-four “saints” at Mt. Olive cemetery.  When the Roman soldier rammed a spear into the side of Yeshua, three quarts or more of blood poured down the cross, into the (cracked) opened ground, flowing twenty-three feet below into a hidden chamber.  The blood then dripped onto the West end of the Mercy Seat, where the prophet Jeremiah had hidden the Ark over 600 years earlier, when Jerusalem was under siege by Babylon.  This was for permanent atonement for both Israel and all mankind.

Jesus was buried just before sundown Wednesday.  On Friday, the Sanhedrin asked Pilate to have the tomb sealed (metal spikes), and to have an armed detachment guard the tomb until midday Sunday.  Before sundown Saturday, an angel rolled the stone away, breaking the spikes, yet Jesus was already gone from the tomb.  The soldiers fell to the ground, and those which were dead (decomposed) in the marked graves arose, and walked into Jerusalem.  Yeshua would not let Mary (Magdalene) touch Him, because He had yet to take the resurrected (24 Elders) first fruits to Heaven, since He was in “seclusion”.  Fifty days later, when the Holy Ghost (of Yeshua) was given on the Temple Mount to the 120 disciples, the Spring feasts were fulfilled.

From the baptism of Yeshua (February 17, 27 AD), to the Day of Pentecost (June 20, 28 AD) were 490 days (70 weeks).  The acceptable year of the Lord began on the first day of Abib (March 29, 27 AD), forty days after Yeshua was baptized.  On the following June 7th, Jesus read Isaiah 61:1, and the first half of verse two…, and stopped…, because only on a subsequent advent would He come to proclaim the Day of Vengeance of Yehovah. Now, with the foundation set, we’ll try to bring this home in Part 7B.

Written By Herman Cummings
You may also purchase this writer book which is entitled; Moses Didn’t Write About Creation.