(ThyBlackMan.com) “When John Singleton did Boyz-N-the Hood everybody went out to see it. But when John Singleton did Rosewood nobody went to go see it. We vote with our wallets, our pocket books and our time in front of the idiot box”-Spike Lee. I find it funny how Black folks ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Black Love. It begins simply enough: you are everything he says he ever wanted. You are smart, independent, charming, sexy, and a suitable representative of the two of you. You are able to bring thoughts, opinions, and ideas to the union. You are not dead weight that he has ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I was thinking to myself the other day – I have NEVER been hit on at church. Real, genuine churchgoing men are like unicorns, so why when I take my seat in the pews seeing all manner of men before me like I’ve just landed at the other end ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I was once told, “Be what you are looking for. If you want friends, go be a friend; if you want love, go love someone and if you want happiness, go make someone happy.” As I have reflected on this simple, but yet profound statement, I have found most ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Susan Rice hasn’t even been nominated to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, but Republicans act as though she has. The attacks are coming fast and furious (pun intended) but they are as misguided and inaccurate as the War in Iraq. Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and John ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The conventional political wisdom is that now that President Obama is safely back in the White House and does not have to worry about reelection, he can do what a few other freshly minted second term presidents have done. And that’s take off the gloves and let fly with ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Today’s technology gives men, all kinds of men, access to women like they’ve never, ever had. Have you ever stopped to think about that? I mean really ponder what a man has access to. The married woman. The stripper The hood-rat. The porn star. The weird classmate from the 10th grade. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) There’s all this talk about what President Obama needs to do about gun violence and what schools need to provide programs so that our children can succeed. But the key to the success of our youth starts at home with the parents. A parent is someone who gives birth ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Since President Obama was elected with 93% of the black vote, there is now a conversation regarding how to leverage unprecedented political support in order to receive the attention from the Obama Administration that such support deserves. The Associated Press wrote about the matter this week, quoting Rev. Al Sharpton, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) So often in life, it is easy to fall into the habit of “living by accident.” Whatever opportunities or requests cross your path, you simply follow. Without a clear purpose or vision, it isn’t always obvious which choices are best and which ones are best left alone. As we enter ...
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