Why parents need to step their game up.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) There’s all this talk about what President Obama needs to do about gun violence and what schools need to provide programs so that our children can succeed. But the key to the success of our youth starts at home with the parents.  A parent is someone who gives birth to a child, raises, and nurtures, educates and protects that child.

Now it may be hard to believe but there is a difference between a parent and someone just having a kid. Just having kid is well just getting pregnant or  getting someone pregnant and that’s pretty much it. But a parent actually takes the time to prepare their kids for the harsh realities that this cruel and unforgiving world may bring sometimes.

The biggest problem that not just the Black community is facing but our society in general is facing is that we have too many people just having kids and not raising them. It’s funny how everyone always brings up dead beat dads which are at the top of my “You need your ass-whipped list” but another group of people who I have an issue with are lazy mothers. A dead beat mother is a woman who has a child but does the same exact thing as a dead beat father and that’s not taking care of her responsibilities as a parent.

I can’t begin to tell you how sick I feel when I see young mothers out here teaching their daughters to go after men only for their money at the age of nine or ten. Another issue I have with these types of women is that when they have a child with a man and that relationship turns sour they use the child or children as pawns to get back at their ex.

The point that I’m trying to drive home is that our children are the future and if we want them to reach their true potential then we as a community need to stop blaming everybody else and expecting everybody else to raise our children for us and step to the plate or simply just step our game up……..

Staff Writer; Shawn Hudson 

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