Urban Prep Charter Academy – 100% Three Years Straight.

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(ThyBlackMan.com) When it comes to African American men the stats, media and society often present a negative image of our young brothers. In turn this leaves some people visualizing black men disparagingly as drug dealing, gangbanging, sagging young men hanging out on street corners. However, we are well aware that this does not represent our black male race as a whole.

Urban Prep Academies in Chicago, Illinois has absolutely driven this point home. Urban Prep is a nonprofit organization founded in 2002 by Tim King. King an education entrepreneur, along with other African-American educational, business and civic leaders rallied as one to create a learning environment unique and conducive to the young African American male.

The Urban Prep Charter Academy for Young Men at the Englewood Campus was the first location to open in 2006. The Urban Prep’s Englewood Campus  was the country’s first all-boys public charter high school in operation. The Urban Prep Academy for Young Men on the West Campus was the second school to open in 2009.  In the fall of 2010 the Urban Prep Academy for Young Men on the Bronzeville Campus began serving even more students.  These are the only all-boys public schools in the state of Illinois.

Urban Prep’s mission is to provide a comprehensive, high-quality college preparatory education to young men that results in graduates succeeding in college and succeeding is exactly what they have accomplished. 

For the third year in a row, 100% of Urban Prep’s graduates have been admitted to four-year colleges or universities.  In addition to those amazing numbers the Urban Prep School reports that 98 percent of those who enrolled in college remain in school, compared to a national college “persistence” rate of 83 percent and 35 percent nationally for black males. 

A very positive environment and culture is important and taken very seriously within the halls of the Urban Prep Academy.  Students are required to live by the school’s creed, which is a very empowering one.

The Urban Prep Creed

We believe.

We are the young men of Urban Prep.

We are college bound.

We are exceptional-not because we say it, but because we work hard at it.

We will not falter in the face of any obstacle placed before us.

We are dedicated, committed and focused.

We never succumb to mediocrity, uncertainty or fear.

We never fail because we never give up.

We make no excuses.

We choose to live honestly, nonviolently and honorably.

We respect ourselves and, in doing so, respect all people.

We have a future for which we are accountable.

We have a responsibility to our families, community and world.

We are our brothers’ keepers.

We believe in ourselves.

We believe in each other.

We believe in Urban Prep.


Embedding students with a powerful message such as the Urban Prep Creed creates students that thrive with self-confidence and a sense of well-being. Also being surrounded by a positive teaching and administrative force adds to a high chance of success.

Tim King has stated, “Critics didn’t believe that a bunch of boys in the hood could be boys doing good,” But of course the naysayers have been proven wrong, three times in a row to be exact. These young brothers kept their eyes focused on what they were required to do and that was to succeed.

With such success one wonders what makes this school different from other ones. What can other schools take from Urban Prep? Let alone what can our entire country’s educational system and community learn from Urban Prep’s success record?

I commend these young men on their accomplishments when others lacked belief in their ability. I also commend our future leaders for showing everyone how a great attitude and hard work pays off.

For more information visit Urban Prep Academies Website.

Staff Writer; Eleanie Campbell

For more writings by this sista visit her at; SoulXPosed2U and The Phoenix Unleashed.
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