Ron Paul vs President Obama Latest Poll.

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( Who matches up best with President Obama in a head to head match? Turns out, it is Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul.

According to the latest Marist Research poll released early Sunday, Ron Paul trails President Obama by 12 percentage points, the smallest margin of victory held by the President.

The poll finds former Pennsylvania U.S. Senator Rick Santorum leading the Republican field in the state of Ohio with 34 percent. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is in second place with 32 percent, while former House Speaker Newt Gingrich received 15 percent. Ron Paul took last place with 13 percent.

The poll is the latest to find Mr. Santorum leading in the state of Ohio. The Pennsylvania Republican has suffered a string of defeats in recent weeks, losing to Mr. Romney in a number of key primary battles, including Michigan and Arizona.

“Here we go again. It’s another make or break state and it could go either way,” said Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “One big Buckeye state difference is that, unlike earlier contests, Romney isn’t running up the score among those who have already voted.”

The poll finds President Obama leading Ron Paul, 48 percent to 38 percent. Fifty percent of respondents support Mr. Obama compared with 38 percent for Mr. Romney. Fifty percent of registered voters back President Obama compared with 36 percent for Mr. Santorum.

Pollsters noted that Ron Paul’s support likely stems from a higher percentage of voters identifying themselves as independent. Ohio voters are more likely to identify as independents than they were in a similar poll conducted in October 2008, according to Marist pollsters. Thirty-five percent of registered voters now consider themselves to be independent compared with 31 percent at that time. Republican identification has decreased from 31 percent to 26 percent, and Democrats are little changed.

“President Obama’s advantage over his potential challengers in Ohio is underscored by the fact that more voters support him over the GOP field than approve of his job performance,” said Dr. Miringoff.

The poll follows in the wake of the Washington state caucus on Saturday, in which Ron Paul took second place behind Mr. Romney. The Ron Paul campaign, which has yet to secure a victory, has touted its second place finishes as central to its goal of building support with delegates.

With that what does Ron Paul need to do? As a Ron Paul supporter do you feel he is lacking something? Ron Paul 2012 campaign still alive and kicking.

Via AP

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