Yes Be Resilient at Work: The New Career Edge.

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( In the face of downsizing, outsourcing, and higher demands on your productivity, would your employer call you a “resilient” worker?  Well, it turns out resilience is a skill more and more companies are looking for in their employees – people who can embrace change rather than fight it.  Why is it so timely now and how can you be more resilient at work?  

Speaking at major companies around the country, this is a theme that comes up over and over again.  In fact, it is more common than not, that companies – longstanding, stable companies – are dealing with more change than ever and it can be startling to employees.  Many are very resistant.  The people who are getting ahead, keeping their jobs, and even fielding multiple job offers to steal them away, are the ones who understand this and are a part of the answer companies are looking for to give them an advantge in this economy.

Consider these five ways to be resilient:

1.  Get a reality check.  

Your company reality simply may not be what it used to be.  Quit hanging on to what was and embrace what is.  This is a major issue.  Companies ask me  regularly, “How can we get people to see the reality? Sales are not what they used to be, customers are not spending like they used to, and competition has crept up on us with changes in technology and customer expectations.  We need our employees to change with us if we are going to survive.”

2.  Don’t let change intimidate you. 

It is frightening to work for an employer that has been the same for decades and then suddenly they are making changes.  You wonder if you are secure.  You wonder if you can adjust to new ways of doing thing.  But don’t let change scare you.  Make a decision to embrace it.  Be willing to learn.  Having the right attitude can make the difference between moving up or moving out.

3.  Be a bridge builder.

Can you be an employee that inspires and gets others on board with the changes and new reality that exists at your company?  If so, you’re going to be a real asset.  Rather than joining in the complaining and resistance, be one who seeks to understand the reasons behind the change and have a positive impact on co-workers and employees.  This doesn’t even mean you have to agree with the changes, simply that you accept that some things have changed and you are willing to do your part to help the company be successful.  Understand your company’s biggest challenges, and be a solution. 

4.  Don’t isolate yourself. 

Isolation is a career killer.  Relationships are the key to career success.  Even if you are in a position – for example, IT – in which you don’t have to manage a lot of people, make it a goal to reach out, keep your boss and co-workers abreast of your progress, and simply be someone others want to be around.  When major decisions are made, those with strong relationships at work are more likely to weather the storms.

5.  Bounce back – over and over.

Resilient people think differently. They are optimistic in the face of a challenge.  So you’ve got to pay attention to what you’re telling yourself about the things that are going on at work.  “I can’t do this.” “I don’t want to deal with all these changes.” Must be replaced with thoughts such as, “I’ve never done this before, but I can learn.”  

Written by Valorie Burton