Wouldn’t Mind a Mitt Romney Presidency…

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(ThyBlackMan.com) I guess it’s official. Even though it’s not officially official. It’s official. Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee. He may have lost Iowa to the now forgotten Rick Santorum, and he may have lost South Carolina to the sorest of sore losers Newt Gingrich, but by gum Romney is still a winner. New Hampshire Primary. Check. Florida Primary. Check. Nevada Caucuses. Check. The Maine Caucuses are still going on and he’s already looking to Minnesota and Colorado trying to continue his double digit lead that poor old Newt just can’t seem to close. Gingrich blames it on Romney’s deep pockets but I think people just like Mitt better.

With Mitt being the nominee (add presumed as a pretext if you’re not so sure) there’s a possibility he could very well win the Presidency. Despite what polls and economic numbers say there’s still a 50:50 chance between him and President Obama.

So would you be comfortable with a Mitt Romney Presidency?

Would I?

Personally I think I’d be A-OK if Mitt Romney became the 45th President of the United States. I love me some Barack 44 but that doesn’t mean I can’t love Romney 45.

Sure his tax policies would have me paying more than I want to if by some twist of this tragic economy my salary dropped. But that’s okay. As long as I do my fair share to help restore the middle class, who cares if Mitt Romney and his rich friends don’t. I’m doing my part. And that makes me a good American. A patriot if you will.

You know I think Mitt Romney, maybe soon to be President Romney, has the right idea about the economy and getting the country going again. Really who cares about the very poor, they’ve got the government to fall back on. Who cares about the very rich, they’ve got their bank balances to fall back on. And really who doesn’t like to fire people. If I had the authority at my little 9 to 5 I think I’d like to fire folks too.

Deregulation bring it back. That’s the way to get businesses down to business; hiring people and ending this high unemployment slump. Get government out of the way. Carpe Diem. Laissez Faire. And all that jazz.

On the economy: Mitt Romney’s got my vote.

On foreign policy we all know Iran’s been getting too big for its Southeast Asia britches. Cracking down on democracy cryers, threatening to cut off oil to the west and just an all around thorn in America’s side. We need someone that’s going to stand strong on foreign policy. You know who that man is? Mitt Romney.

He’s ready to declare World War III starting by bombing Iran.

[youtube 1rMZH587p1A]

He wants to leave the troops in Afghanistan, because clearly their work there isn’t done. And as for Obama’s accomplishments, killing Bin Laden — that is so last decade — leading the charge on Libya that led to Moammar Gadhafi’s ousting and death — we shouldn’t have been there in the first place — ending the war in Iraq — they may still have WMD’s (that we never found).

Romney is the one to get tough on our enemies and reassure our allies we are not to be messed with. Obama’s apologies masquerading as foreign policy is not what America needs. We need an iron clad dictatorial stance on how the rest of the world should run their affairs even though we don’t practice what we preach. Occupy crackdowns anyone.

Finally, on health care I have a gut feeling a President Romney will give the country something good. I mean he authored Obamacare before it was Obamacare. Romneycare is Obamacare 1.0. Which means if Romney thinks his new and improved national plan is poppycock, then surely he has something better up his sleeve. Surely a President Mitt Romney would see all 45 million uninsured Americans would somehow receive insurance; even if their employer didn’t cover it, or heaven forbid they’re not employed at all. I’m sure Mitt Romney will continue to bar insurance companies from including everything under the sun, like pregnancy, as a pre-existing condition. I’m sure a President Romney will make sure no federal funding will go to abortion as has been the standard but still be behind a woman’s right to choose.

Who cares if Mitt Romney told Mike Huckabee he would support a personhood amendment fundamentally eliminating a woman’s right to choose.

[youtube gkrOt9Qposg]

He only said he would, it’s not like he signed the Personhood USA pledge like Gingrich, Paul and Santorum. Saying it in writing is so much worse than saying it in words. Mitt Romney, he sure sidestepped that flip-flopping contradiction.

All in all I don’t think Mitt Romney would make a bad President at all. He’d get the economy going by allowing more people to be fired through deregulation. He’d rescue the middle class on the backs of the destitute, impoverished and of course the very poor, and he’d make sure he and his super rich friends stayed stupidly ridiculously rich — so they could create jobs of course.

President Romney would keep the country on lock. We may be at war with the world for the third time in U.S. history but that’s okay because American interests, American values would be safe. No country would even think about bringing harm to our American heads without President Romney pressing the red button for a pre-emptive strike. Iran. Annihlated. North Korea. Forgedd About It. Under President Romney we can go back to being the world’s biggest bully pretending to be docile country cops, a wolf in sheeps’ clothing, while we citizens remain oblivious to the anger and unrest building up toward us. Before you flashback to the way we were September 10, 2001 and then September 12th, know this… President Romney would handle ALL OF THAT.

And your health. OMG. Your health, your insides, one word… Pristine. Romney would author a bill so un-controversial, so Congress air tight that all 535 members in the two chambers combined would vote with a resounding “YAY.” Some loopholes might get closed, Medicaid might disappear, Medicare payments may be lowered and women could be beholden to their uterus, be they barren or full bellied filled with life, but damnit we’d be healthy.

Good money, good health, and hella safety. Sounds like President Romney has got the right idea.

He’s got my vote.

Now does he have yours?

Would you be “OK” with President Romney?

Staff Writer; Nikesha Leeper

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