Mitt Romney; I Will Not Sacrifice My Soul For You…

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( If you were to confer with many seasoned GOP political operatives and analysts, you would probably be persuaded to have the concept that Mitt Romney will be the 2012 GOP Presidential candidate for President of the United States. This is complete lunacy. I opposed Mitt in 2008 and I stand by my resentment. It is absolutely senseless to be uninspired and ideologically opposed to a candidate, and yet, argue the basis of their “electability.”

Let me just dispose of this comedic myth that Mitt Romney is electable. Romneycare is the birthfather to Obamacare. Mitt Romney can do his very best to make it look tangible, but he cannot escape this catastrophe. His advisors met on multiple times with the Obama Administration to help craft its health care monstrosity.

This is ample proof that Mitt Romney resembles Barack Obama. Romney and Obama are both gift packages delivered from Wall Street, which indicates to me that they are proponents of big government presence. Mitt Romney’s flip flop positions on immigration, abortion, TARP, etc does not rest well with me.

Mitt Romney is running for President just to occupy the Oval Office, not to implement conservative principles. With that said, I cannot and will not support Mitt Romney just because of the “electability” manifesto that the establishment tries to give me.

I will not betray my conservative principles to win an election….or lose one for that matter. Romney is easily a candidate that Obama and the Democrat party can neutralize. When the GOP candidate has more similarities than differences to Obama, that gives me reason to worry, not be optimistic.

I’ve faced resentment from several GOP establishment individuals because I do not support Mitt Romney. I will not apologize for not supporting someone who is a miniature Obama. The argument that Romney is the best to beat Obama is also dumb and naive.

Mainstream media and seasoned GOP analysts are ignorant and blind to the “main street” movement of everyday people, like me, who are tired of the status quo, and are willing to elect someone like Cain, who has business and private sector experience and can relate to the middle class. When is the last time someone came up to you and spoke enthusiastically of Romney and how he relates to their economic condition?? Don’t worry, I’ll wait.

Republicans are in danger of not learning from 2008. Barack Obama was elected because of his eloquence and ability to allocate charisma and inspiration in the form of oratory skills unseen by any modern day politician. Yet, Obama lacked substance, and now the country is paying the price for his election. Romney is no different. Yes, he is a formidable debater (He’s been running for President since 2008, so he should be able to), and he is a polished speaker.

However, his liberal policy decisions have made him an empty suit that will make him vulnerable and weak against Obama and a heavy Democrat campaign machine. Conservatives must be careful and make a wise decision.

They must hear the heart and soul of main street America. it is not beating for Mitt Romney. It is yearning for someone who can not just beat Obama, but someone who can turn this country around and make it a competitive force in the world again. If conservatives betray their convictions based on electability and not principles, they lose their credibility. Independents know this. Democrats know this.

If Romney is the nominee, there will be lack of enthusiasm and support, which will make gleeful hearts in the liberal Democrats camp. The GOP can abide in the oasis of mediocrity and status quo if they wish by electing Romney, and they will miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime. If they blow their chance this time, it’ll be very difficult to recover.

I refuse to sacrifice my soul, values, principles and beliefs and vote for Mitt Romney. We already made that mistake….remember 2008? Remember John McCain? As a conservative Republican, I refuse to see this happen. What many may call acceptable and electable, I label it as deceptive. Main Street’s voice will be an audible force to be reckoned with. I can tell you right now, they are not screaming for Mitt Romney.

Staff Writer; Demetrius Minor

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