Troy Davis RIP, The Day The Music Died…

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( The case of Troy Davis speaks to several issues facing not only the African American Community  but to humanity as a whole. During the latest round of events leading to his death, there were many flaws and faults exposed in the community as a whole and the ultimate being the exposure of the flaws inherent in the American Judicial system.

If as it has been said that there was no actual physical evidence and the conviction was based primarily on testimony of witnesses that later recanted –  then a seriously profound error was allowed to enact a horrible mistake.    I say if because I have not PERSONALLY seen the trial transcripts – nor the  appeals or motions filed subsequently so I can only speak on what has been put out by the media…..
Which in itself is suspect for a whole lot of reasons – or are our memories that short. The media nowadays is not the most reliable source of information – Sarah Palin anyone? Birthers?
The response and outpouring while touching was along the lines of closing the barn door after the horse had left and gone over to the next state to raise a family.  Protests , while they have proven effective in the past  are  only part of the process that needs to take place to effect any kind of meaningful change.
Electing a PRESIDENT who is BLACK is only part of the process.  The reason why you have  the judges, and the district attorneys  in place along with the current group of obstructionist congress people  is because you either didn’t vote, or you  did vote, but you voted against your own best interests for reasons known only unto you.
Either way the result is still the same. Those leaders that are in place are there due to action taken or lack of action.  It is completely unfortunate that this is the result.
AS to the death penalty itself, this is why so many in so many countries are against it. It is highly ironic that a country that calls itself a global leader and sets the standards for others to follow still allows the death penalty as a legal remedy for murder.
For all the inmates that have been sent to their deaths by execution – I will bet that the people  they were accused of killing were just as dead after they were executed.  It is an equation that will never equal out. There is no action that one can take that will mitigate or restore a family who loses a loved via murder.  
For the McPhail family – with all due respect if you needed the death of another individual to feel “better” then perhaps you might want to do some serious self and soul searching.   To rejoice in the death of another human being regardless to the circumstances is a sign of much bigger issues. 
By those actions another family loses their loved one. Another mother loses her child, a sister loses her brother and grief is visited on those friends and families that were associated with this individual.  Rejoicing in their grief is not mitigated by the method in which these were brought together, namely a murder.   The only result will be further polarization and distrust for law enforcement and the ability of the justice system to work effectively for  minorities and the poor.
Those who were walking around thinking that we were in this new age post-racial society where everything was working just fine  and dandy just got the ultimate wake-up call.
11:08 9/21/2011 The day the music died…
Staff Writer; Alinda Pete
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