Press Release; Gear Up Foundation statement on Bin Laden death…

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( “Our brave special forces have delivered on the promise made almost a decade ago; that mass murder and terror will not stand and will be avenged. God Bless our warriors.  We must be ever vigilant and eradicate those who kill our loved ones and attack our country. For the 9/11 families whose loss will never be replaced, the responders who gave their lives and those, who from sickness and injuries, continue to join them,  it is a bittersweet but welcome milestone in America’s long march to liberty.”
Personal Statement from Vinny Forras, Founder:
Answering the call continues to be the clarion call in the greatest nation on the face of God’s green earth. Nearly ten years ago I along with my brothers and sisters answered the call on September 11th to Ground Zero. Through the horror of that cowardly attack orchestrated by a devil named Osama we came together in a way that highlighted the greatness of good people whose steps are guided by God. Yesterday, receiving the news from my US Marine son that “WE GOT HIM“, Bin Laden was taken down sent chills up my spine and a wave of pride through my heart as our young warriors answered the call on behalf of all of us. My personal thoughts were, “It’s disappointing that this devil can only die once as it would be more appropriate for his to die at least once for each innocent victim that he slaughtered.
Gear Up Foundation has been dedicated to answering the call in tribute to all of our loved ones who perished on 9/11 and all those who continue to make that ultimate sacrifice every day through our noble and charitable mission around the world. On behalf of the foundation that I founded with my wife Monica and all those who have supported and continue to support our efforts, we say GOD BLESS the brave men and women of the US Military, our brave first responders and all our fellow Americans who continue to dream in Red, White & Blue. It is our hope that this knightly action brings at least a modest level of consolation to those who lost so much nearly ten years ago.
God bless you for your support and God bless the USA.

Contact:  Vincent Forras
631-869-5607 / 203-770-3296