What Can My Debt Collector Can and Can’t Do To Me?

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(ThyBlackMan.com) Are you a victim of an unfair debt collection practice? Have you been harassed or threatened by a debt collector? Know your rights as a consumer and if you know that it has been violated, then do something about it. Report it immediately to Attorney General’s Office in your State and file a complaint to the FTC as well.

Here are some of the unfair practices that a debt collector must never do to a person in-debt:

1. Calling at inappropriate hours. Under the FDCPA, a debt collector can only make calls after 8 am and not past 9 pm. If you gave consent for a creditor to contact you past 9pm or before 8am, then that should be fine. But if a collector calls you at inappropriate hours without your consent, you can file a complaint against them.

2. Calling names, using foul languages or threats. Any form of verbal harassment is a direct violation of your consumer rights. Do not put up with a debt collector that does not treat you with the respect you deserve.

3. Calling at your workplace even after being told not to. Some employers do not allow such calls and if your debt collector still tries to contact you in your workplace after being told not to do so, you can file a complaint as well.

4. Disclose information about your debts to anyone. Your debt collector should never disclose any information regarding your debts to your employer, friends or even relatives. A debt collector should respect your right for privacy and debts are confidential issues that should only be between you and your creditor.

5. Use threats to force you to pay. Even if you owe them money, creditors and debt collectors must not use threats against you. They can take legal action if you refuse to pay but using force or threats is definitely not allowed by the law.

6. Using false information to scare you. If your debt collector warns you that you have been sued and your property will be confiscated, you can check the accuracy of this information. If no such legal action has been taken, you can file a complaint against your debt collector.

Written by Liz Roberts