(ThyBlackMan.com) Marc Morial explains why and elaborates on the 2010 State of Black America report… The National Urban League, celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, has produced an annual State of Black America (SOBA) report for one-third of its existence. At a press conference Wednesday in Washington, D.C., the organization ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) President Obama earned well-deserved accolades for his dogged fight to make a much needed, and long overdue comprehensive health care reform a reality. The president can and should savor the victory and feat. But there’s another equally hard battle that desperately needs to be fought, and that’s the fight to ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Embattled Washington Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas will serve 3 months in a halfway house for bringing guns to his locker room to scare a teammate.Prosecutors recommended Arenas get three months in jail, but defense attorneys successfully argued that Arenas didn’t deserve time in jail for what he considered a prank. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) For generations all genres of fiction warned of apocalyptic destruction and despair. What if these works were really cautioning against a disastrous change in consciousness instead of physical events like war or disaster? In the wake of the latest healthcare debate opponents feel doom has arrived. Government once owned the bodies of ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) In a historic vote, Democrats in Congress approved a plan to renovate the U.S. health care system. Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives, led by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, passed an enormous, politically daring overhaul of the American health insurance and health care delivery system by a margin ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Anytime people have a hard time understanding something, the first thing they turn to is an easy label. In the case of people with strong voices, the easy label is “crazy.” I’ve heard it a lot over the years, and even more so over the past few months. I’ve ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steels is an Uncle Tom. Not because he’s a black man who chose to be down with the GOP. Being a Republican or a conservative does not – repeat, does not – automatically make an African-American a sell-out. An Uncle Tom is ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Black conservatives as a political class don’t actively oppose racism. Ditto our Republicans of all stripes. This markedly ethno-escapist vision joins fantasies of the ” Post racial America ” variety. Rednecks and sophisticated ( White ) supremacists haven’t been relegated to the ash bin of history. Too often Black conservatives outdo Plastic Man in contortions explaining ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) WASHINGTON (AP) — Let the count begin. More than 120 million U.S. census forms begin arriving Monday in mailboxes around the country, in the government’s once-a-decade population count that will be used to divvy up congressional seats and more than $400 billion in federal aid. Fast-growing states in the South ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Now we have the Coffee Party movement which I suppose is a liberal counterpart to the Tea Party that emerged in the Washington, D.C. area, led by Annabel Park, a documentary filmmaker, who was horrified by the ugly, menacing and anti-government spirit of the Tea Party crowd that emerged ...
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