How to Instill Morals…

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( Instilling morals in young people can help them to become polite and respectful when older. Parents who let their children know that integrity and trust go a long way when it comes to good character have a better chance that their kids will grow up to become productive members of society who teach the same values to their own children one day. If you model the behavior you want your children to display, hold your children accountable for their actions and value honesty and integrity, you will instill morals in your children that assist them to become men and women with strong character.

1. Talk to your son or daughter about different morals such as integrity and how they relate to the real world. Help them to see that a person whom others trust and who does what he says he will do earns the respect of others  by his actions. Assist your children to admire those who keep their promises and have integrity by watching movies, shows and reading book where the people involved display these kinds of morals.

2. Attend play dates that your child has with other kids and go to the playground with your child on a frequent basis. When you go with your kids to places where they play, urge them to share the items in their possession with their playmates. Also, encourage them whether they win or lose a game so they understand the value of good sportsmanship.

3. Go to the cinema with your kids. If a cinematic event contains curse words, speak about these terms with your kids. Explain to your offspring the reason why others take offense to the use of foul language.

4. Hold your children accountable for their actions. If your child acts out, teach him why his actions were not correct, and share with him the consequences of his behavior. This teaches the child that unwise decisions and improper behavior have future consequences.

5. Talk to your kids about the consequences of narcotics. Let your child know that those who abuse drugs can die at an early age, go to jail and have a hard life if they decide to take drugs. Let them know that drug usage at a party, among friends or after school can turn into an addiction that has the potential to take over their lives.