The Care and Feeding of Captive Negroes…

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(ThyBlackMan.comAUTHOR’S NOTE: ” Negro ” in this article means persons of African descent who allow government to treat them like pets. Exhale y’all, this isn’t solely a color thing, it’s a citizenship thing.

Securing the inner city ” is a horse I beat to near-exclusion of other topics. Everyone chooses his area of community contribution. Safety, especially the civil right thereof, is mine. I want urban little old ladies to be safe as President Obama’s mother-in-law. Is that too much to ask? Far from citizenship treatment, urban residents often are considered captive Negroes languishing within latter day plantations. Placebos consist of EBT cards and episodic increases in police presence. So long as we suffer silently the rest of Enzi100 America seems pleased, including upscale Blacks whose net worth overrides solidarity. Meanwhile, those treated like captive Negroes hunker down, hoping for the best.
Homeland security strategy falls short of considering the what I call the homeboy/homegirl constituency. While we’re surveilled and stopped per forma, the Hood isn’t considered an affirmative part of this partnership. Our taxes help fund homeland security but input isn’t welcome. Captive Negroes are better seen not heard it seems. Defending American Hoodscape means demanding government acknowledge our concerns. Often officials ignore concerned citizens hailing from areas that aren’t politically influential. Bureaucrats rank service delivery by the level of career risk incurred. High income locales ( ironically of any color ) get carte blanche poor communities can only dream about. Assuming government employees treat urban residents like everyone else is akin to waiting for the Easter Bunny’s to  hand deliver eggs in the Hood. As usual, we’re got to do it ourselves or suffer the consequences.
Captive Negro treatment is changed by political pressure. It’s altered by organizing on our behalf. Entrenched prejudice won’t simply roll over and play dead. That’s where widening methods comes into play. Media should be used to air grievances and subtle hints of electoral reprisal should be used. Our lives hang in the balance. Lack of action on our parts engenders none from downtown. My alderman gets a steady stream of missions from me. Having run against him on these issues I seem to have his ear more often. Imprisonment in captive Negro consciousness guaranteed issues witnessed wouldn’t have been addressed. I’ve engaged countless officials and agencies with varying degrees of success. I know they don’t want to hear from me. I’m the wrong color; wrong party; wrong side of town, etc. in their eyes. The day I accept others limiting views is when I join captive Negroes ranks. So long as my taxes employ these chumps they will hear from me often.
The care and feeding of captive Negroes is historic baggage we either delete from community consciousness or else.
Else ” means continuing paying salaries for officials who look down upon us. ” Else ” assures much more of the same. Apathy on our part and arrogance on theirs undermines inner cities. As a community we can simply end the drams by  writing the Hood off as hopeless. The next step would be closing hearts to horrible headlines. Cutting off friends and relatives there follows suit as internal segregation runs its course.
Don’t like that choice? Too callous?
How ’bout we stop accepting violence and drugs in exchange for minimal care and feeding on the public dime? Don’t know about you, but I want safety and dignity for the inner city. It’s why I beat this dead horse online and beat the pavement in town. We’re much, much better than recipients of captive Negro treatment. 

Written By Nadra Enzi

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