An Open Letter to Candance Owens Part Two.

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( Last year we met at an event we were both speaking at; I wrote a column about my encounter with you.

I thought you were ignorant then, but I have now concluded that you are stupid.  Ignorant is when a person just doesn’t know what the hell they are talking about; stupid is knowing that you don’t know something and yet pretending to know what you are talking about.

In psychology we call this cognitive dissonance, the inability to see what you don’t believe.

You actually believe that you have standing in the Black community; and you don’t.  You actually believe that white conservatives respect you; and they don’t.  You actually believe the Black community is listening to you; and they are not.

As I predicted last year, you have had your 15 minutes of fame and now your act has finally grown old and stale.  You have been diminished in your media appearances and in your public speaking; and it seems that this demotion has negatively impacted you mentally.

Like a drug user needs to get a stronger hit to get the same high they are used to getting; you have upped your buffoonery in order to get the few media and public appearances hits you have become used to.

Your act is tired and worn out.

Yes, you have a right to be ignorant and stupid; but your antics, in my view, have put you in harm’s way.  Yes, I mean this in the literal sense.  I am concerned that you will, at some point, be physically attacked.  Do you deserve it? NO, but I would understand if someone in the public lashes out at you.

You have brought this possibility upon yourself!

For you to involve yourself in the releasing of the police report of former Tallahassee mayor, Andrew Gillum, stemming from his hotel incident earlier this year was appalling and totally uncalled for; and for you to disparage the memory of George Floyd even before he could be properly buried was truly pathetic

George Floyd’s imperfections should not be overshadowed by his humanity.  It is quite obvious that you do not possess the mental capacity to understand a simple concept like this.

But we understand that in your perverted mind, you must constantly strive to please your massa so you can continue to get booked on TV.

Many white conservatives are just beginning to realize that you have absolutely no standing in the Black community; that is why your 15 minutes of fame has ended abruptly.

They realize that you are nothing more than a charlatan and have absolutely no substantive value to them and the conservative movement.  They realize that they sank a lot of money into you that turned out to be a total waste with no return on investment anywhere in sight.

Blacks like you do more damage to the Black community than anyone wearing a white hood over their face.  You cater to the worst part of otherwise good white conservatives who genuinely want to see America brought together.

They really believed that you had the pulse of the Black community; now they are coming to realize that you have no connection to the Black community.

Now they realize that you are the con in conservative and the lie in liberal.

Everyone who has called me about you have been told in no uncertain terms to stay away from you!

If white conservatives want to continue to invite you to address them or to reinforce their worst thoughts about the Black community, so be it.

Black conservatives, how in the world can you even accept to be on stage with her or participate in the same program as her?  How can you attend the same meetings with her and not call her out in front of the other attendees?

Are you Black conservatives really that weak?  Your actions and behavior are just as detrimental to the cause as Owens’.

I have refused to be involved in any speech or program that she is involved in.  As grandma used to say, all money ain’t good money!

It’s one thing to have different views on various issues of the day; but it’s another thing to sit by and watch someone harm your own community and not call them out.  Candace is an embarrassment to the Black community and should be called out accordingly.

Candance, isn’t it amazing that you seem to destroy every relationship you have?

Charlie Kirk, from Talking Point U.S.A., had to fire you because of your arrogance.  Kanye West quickly dumped you because you tried to use his fame for your personal use and benefit.

And now, even rapper, T.I., has unloaded on you.  Click on the link to listen to him cut you to shreds.

When Blacks criticize you, it is not a badge of honor whether they are liberal or conservative; but rather it’s a Scarlett letter; something you should be ashamed of.

My advice to you is very simple.  Just go away. Disappear.

A real Black man would never tolerate your level of ignorance and arrogance so you had to go find a wealthy, white husband from the U.K. whom you could dominate.

You got what you wanted.  So, just please go away and do what you do best: continue to spend other people’s money.

Staff Writer; Raynard Jackson

This talented brother is a Pulitzer Award nominated columnist and founder and chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF), a federally registered 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party. BAFBF focuses on the Black entrepreneur. For more information about BAFBF, visit You can follow Raynard on Twitter; Raynard1223.