Impeachment Is Coming For Trump.

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( I hate to use such language but President Donald Trump is Russia’s little bitch by all indications. And when the Democrats take over the House of Representatives, impeachment is coming for Trump. Trump has participated in, encouraged and allowed high crimes and misdemeanors, violated his oath of office, been implicated in obstruction, federal and state charities fraud, violation of the emoluments clause to the Constitution, stood against American allies and sided with our adversaries such as North Korea and Russia. He has cut EPA regulations that protected clean water and air, caused damage to the ACA without replacing it with something better for millions of Americans, separated families at the border and lied over 6,000 times to the American people.

You must pay attention to what is happening with Trump and the federal government. The results will impact everything from prices you pay to the job you have to your safety when you travel outside of this country to the car buy to your healthcare and a whole lot more.

I am not partisan because I vote for the most qualified person who represents what I believe to be the best plan, beliefs I have and interest to this nations. And I have to say Trump is the worse president in modern history. He plays a constant and deliberate game of denial, deflection, misdirection, blame, lies and then makes himself appear as the victim. And yet the scary thing is that millions of racist and/or mindless zombies blindly follow him and whatever he says as if Trump is a cult leader or their “god”.

Donald Trump thinks he is above the law and that the DOJ, the attorney general and others work for him instead of the American people. But he fails to realize, even though his administration serves “at the pleasure of the president”, they take their oaths to this country and the Constitution, not to Trump. So in the coming few months you can expect impeachment to rise to the forefront and a combination of self-serving, mindless, cowardice and brainwashed

Republicans in the Senate to try and block Trump‘s impeachment. We will see because even many of them now see how bad it has gotten. And ironically the hidden danger might be Pence who lurks in the shadows and knows the government inside out. Hmmmm.

TRUMP IS IN LEGAL AND POLITICAL TROUBLE! Trump’s former national security advisor, former lawyer who was the Exec. VP of the Trump organization and former campaign chairman are all going to jail.

Trump’s former deputy campaign manager has cut a plea deal. The female Russian spy who met with Trump Jr. in Trump tower has cut a deal and is cooperating to expose Trump. The Trump business chief financial officer (Weiselberg) is cooperating to expose Trump. The owner of the National Enquirer has cut a deal and is cooperating to expose Trump. Michael Cohen has exposed Trump lies and that has been verified through other sources as well as tapes of Trump. General Flynn is cooperating and has done 19 interviews with Mueller regarding the Trump team. And that is not even the entire list.

Trump said he picked the best and the brightest. That is a lie. He is already on his 3rd chief of staff in two years. So many of his administration have either quit, been fired, leaked that Trump is unstable and incompetent, been indicted, been convicted, now cooperating to expose Trump or about to serve time in prison. Now Trumps Secretary of the Interior is resigning amidst a Justice Dept. investigation of him. Trump can’t pick people at all.

Over 16 people connected to Trump have been found to have direct connections to Russia. Trump said he had no business connections with Russia. That has been proven to be yet another lie. Trump said he would release his taxes. Another lie. But in 2019 the Dem led House of Rep will subpoena them.

Trump said MEXICO would pay for the wall but now Trump wants American taxpayers to pay for the wall by way of our federal budget. He wants 5 billion for the wall or he has threatened to shut down the government – a move that will cause the furlough of 420,000 people during the holidays.

TRUMP TARIFFS HURTING AMERICA: Trump was advised by economists against the tariff war but he didn’t listen. Now GM is closing 5 plants and paying off almost 15,000 people. And Trump has the nerve to threaten GM for the problems his tariff war created. Trump’s tariff war is hurting American jobs and businesses. Ask Harley Davidson. Ask Walmart. Ask GM. Trump and his ego are about TRUMP, not about America.

TRUMP AND RUSSIA: First stop saying there is no collusion. That is not a crime so Mueller would never have been pursuing it in the first place. But campaign finance fraud is a felony. Obstruction of justice is a crime. Conspiracy is a problem. And lying to federal investigators is perjury. Trump is doing all 4 and everybody from his former lawyer to his former CFO to his former National Security Adviser to his former buddy who owns the National Enquirer to his former Chief of Staff to the Russian female spy who met with Trump Jr in Trump tower is spilling the beans on temporary and fake President Donald Trump.

FACTS: Trump’s Russian connections include: Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Flynn, Jarred Kushner, Donald Trump Jr., Michael Cohen, Jeff Sessions, George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, Roger Stone, Erik Prince, J.D. Gordon, Avi Berkowitz, Michael Caputo and Felix Slater. Not to mention the female Russian spy who met in Trump tower. Witch hunt? If so, it is finding a lot of witches. Indictments, plea deals, prison time, cooperation and exposing Trump’s connections are all happening now. Top Republican leaders are not saying it is a witch hunt.  And the dems WILL subpoena Trump’s taxes.

FACTS: The Border Security lie! First illegal immigration rates are down. Second Trump said MEXICO would pay for the wall then threatened to shut down the government if America did not pay 5 billion dollars for the wall. Third, as much as 80% of illegal immigration is NOT coming from the Mexico border. They are coming more from Asia, Canada, Europe and Africa etc by people who came over on planes etc. and overstayed their expired Visas. Trump lied about dangerous people in the caravan then turned around o TV and said we did not know who was in the caravan. Lies, lies and more Trump lies.

FACTS: Trump Foundation was a bogus fake that mismanaged and misappropriated funds and used money for personal expenses. The Trump Foundation has agreed to be dissolved. They are now being sued by New York state and New York state’s Attorney General is asking that the Trumps be required to pay over 2 million dollars in restitution, penalties and fines. Also that Trump and his 3 adult children (Ivanka, Donald Jr and Eric Trump) be banned from serving on any other charity in NY state in the future. And remember Trump University was a fake too!

FACTS: Donald Trump does not hire the best and the brightest. He lied about that too. Trump hires traitors like former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn who just pleaded guilty in acting as a foreign agent for Russia while he was Trump’s Natl. Security Advisor. The judge stated that Michael Flynn sold out his country. This is the man who TRUMP PICKED.

FACTS: There are, as of Dec 2018, at least 17 investigations of the Trump businesses, foundations, administration, former staff, current staff ad family.

Trump said on Air Force One that he did not know about the payment to Stormy Daniels. Lie. He said he did not know where the money came from. Lie. Trump was caught on tape planning the payoff with his lawyer. Felony Campaign Finance Violations.

ALL UNDER FEDERAL CRIMINAL AND/OR CIVIL INVESTIGATION: Trump’s transition, Trump’s inauguration, the Trump fake presidency, Trump’s connections with Russia, Trump activity through May of 2018 and the Trump family. And Trump’s Secretary of the Interior who just resigned. ALL FACTS!


PROOF: Russia Helped Fake President Trump Steal The 2016 Election:

The Russia group indicted by Mueller this year is the very group that used social media in American to sway and manipulate voters for Trump. if you say Trump has no connections to Russia, you are dumb, inn denial, uneducated, brainwashed or all of the above.

The U.S. Senate (Republican controlled) just released the report which is PROOF. Russia used Twitter, Google, Gab, YouTube, Paypal, Facebook, Live Journal and Several others.

The Russians reached, persuaded, deceived and manipulated 126 million people on Facebook, 20 million people on Instagram and 1.4 million people on Twitter.

Donald Trump is a fake president in bed with Russia. And before you call this fake news, know that the 2 year investigative report was released by the REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED SENATE – not dems, not Hillary, not Obama and not libs.

62% of Americans believe Trump is lying about the Russian investigation ad is part in it. Rudy Giuliani just admitted on 12/17/18 on TV that Trump was working on a Moscow plan to build in Russia as late as Nov, 2016 even though Trump lied and said he had no business dealings in Russia. Wake up people. Only Trump’s base of mindless zombies is dumb enough to believe him. Trump does business with a bank (Deutsche Bank) that was fined over 600 million dollars for illegally laundering money for the Russians in New York state. Wake up people.

Look at this link:

Donald Trump must be impeached and facts are facts. He has managed to lie to, deceive and brainwash millions of Americans who are his parrots and zombies unable to think for themselves. And Trump has pulled the sheet off ignorant racists. Ironically the first illegal immigrants who were murderers, traitors ad deceivers were the colonizing “founding fathers” of America who stole this land from the indigenous people then murdered them and made African slaves build a country. Check the history. Keep your fingers crossed for 2019, vote in 2020 and know that it is not likely the Republican party will be caught off guard again by a con man. Wake up people.

Staff Writer; Trevo Craw