Is Drama an Addiction.

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( If it’s not a fight, vulgar, messy or someone personal business it’s boring and without entertainment. Reality TV and drama shows that show is the worst in our people, and others, captivate many and are rewarded with high ratings. It seems our people are addicted to this fix, and it becomes reality to them. Journalist have to find a drama spin on the news or people will label it boring, and unworthy of their time. Yes, we need to fix our community and focus on the needs of black people. However, how are we to do this when intelligence is literally under attack.

If you actually pay attention to the likes of Empire, Power, Real Housewives, and Love & Hip Hop you will find a commonality. The issues that plague our people are constantly glorified before our eyes, and we take pleasure in it. We own the drama as if it’s our own. It can be entertainment, but let’s be honest…too many of is are addicted to drama.

There are those that laugh at “conscious” people, and I agree they ought not be self righteous, but you can’t be truly conscious without books…knowledge. So, the people in our community that are truly conscious are looking for ways to solve the narratives of the drama you crave. There are more ways to be entertained without the madness.

This drama addiction causes publishers to ask writers of substance to take their focus away from the issues you need to be aware of, and focus on say…Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna. Something is very wrong with that picture. We have too many of our people that can keep up with a Kardashian, no matter how much you talk about them, but have no idea what’s going on in the schools of your children.

Elders use to tell us what we give our time to is who we become. Well, even if we won’t admit it, Reality TV has jacked up someone’s marriage, and there are sistahs that idolize Cookie to the letter so you put up with a Lucious. We go to the bookstore, and seek the hood love story that never ends well. Too many of our people are in total denial of the impact this has on the mindset of our community.

Substance, upliftment and necessary information has to have a place in one’s life. You can’t take a stand against the establishment of you don’t understand how it operates, or how it oppresses you. This will require obtaining knowledge, and learning from those who have it. No scholar, or intellectual, will get it right all the time but they are in pursuit of the answer. We can make entertainment that does the shame us. We can enjoy positive images of ourselves. It’s sad to thing the “Cosby” show might not be excepted in this time…not enough drama. We must take I to account what feeds us, and actively seek knowledge, and empowerment. There is nothing wrong with being woke if it will severe our need for a kind of drama that is detrimental to our people.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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