No Hillary and No Bernie: The Democratic Deception.

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( You may like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, but neither of them represent the solid core moral values of the mature African American community. The reason you do not see that, if you don’t, is because you have not done your homework. Like most African Americans, you have probably assumed that the democratic party is for our people so you must vote for one of the democratic candidates. But blind loyalty without objective research is ignorance – ignorance that will lead you to make a choice that is not in the best interest of our people.

Hillary Clinton supports Planned Parenthood and it has been reported that there are 1,000 African American babies killed in the womb every day. That reduces our population and we cannot afford that simply due to irresponsible or promiscuous men and women. Planned Parenthood was created by Margaret Sanger, a follower of Hitler and a believer in the “master race” theory. This agency was placed in the African American community to reduce our numbers and it has done just that by millions. Wake up. Then there is Benghazi and all the Clinton people who have been prosecuted. Pull up information on the Clintons. It’s easy to find if you will look instead of just believing what she is telling you. Try Youtube or Google – and yes the info is verifiable. I dare you to seek the truth.

Bernie Sanders is a Socialist, not a democratic. And even countries like Norway or Sweden who boast of democratic socialism have high taxes and poor economies overall. Our United States Constitution No-Hillary-No-Bernie-2016-usa-election-democratswas not constructed to accommodate Socialism and it would actually hurt all three economic classes. Furthermore, Congress would fight the development of democratic socialism and Sanders could not do half the things he says he would do. Socialism gives the government far too much control over goods and products, eliminates competition and thus allows prices to go up on everything. Socialism also seeks to do away with private property ownership and play Robin Hood by taking what you have earned and giving it to someone who has done nothing. That is simply not fair. Hitler proclaimed himself a socialist. The former Soviet Union was a “Socialist Republic” and the people came last, after the government.

The reason many African Americans want Bernie Sanders is because they don’t really know what socialism is. Therefore they simply believe what he tells them.

You may say you are left with few options and that you do not want to vote for a republican. Ironically, most African Americans over 45 in America are social conservatives based on moral values. So I suggest you do some research on your own, stop believing simply what the candidates tell you and vote based on morals, values and the African American need for spiritual principles in our lives. That means not voting for a candidate who supports or promotes homosexuality, the killing of our unborn children by the thousands or big government controlling our lives and paying our people off with food stamps, welfare and WIC.

You do not have to agree with me, but you should do your own research. If you do, you will find out what I have said is true, like it or not. There is a reason Frederick Douglass was a Republican. There is a reason Martin Luther King Jr. was a REPUBLICAN. The democratic party was the slave party of the south and they still try to control you with big government today. They pay our people off with entitlement programs because they really think African Americans cannot make it on our own. The democratic party serves as the parent and too many African Americans act like their children. Wake up!

You may say “the Republicans are crooked”, but of which ones do you speak? And if you say “all of them”, you likely don’t know that – you are simply repeating what you have heard. Do your research on them as well but don’t assume without evidence and the facts. Then vote accordingly.

If you disagree, let’s debate the facts – not opinions. But do your research first and know that I am coming with hard evidence to pull the cloak off of the democratic deception. I am not a sellout – I am a man who is wide awake, who does his homework, who finds the facts and who cannot be bought off. Your finances, your health and your success are up to you and you do not need a democratic party to think for you unless you have gotten too lazy to think and make decisions for yourself. Wake up.

Staff Writer; Marque-Anthony