The Truth of Genesis: Life After Lucifer – Part 3 of 3.

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( During the 1,000 years of peace, and after the rapture of the saints, gentiles will realize that they have been lied to by their forefathers for thousands of years. The gentiles will seek out the Jews and plead with them to teach them the truth about Yehovah, and why and how He became Yeshua. Children that are born during this period will grow up to the age and thirty, and stop aging. They will live throughout the 1,000 years, and never grow old and see death, unless it is by an unfortunate accident.  The question I have is how far out, if at all, will mankind venture into outer space during those 1,000 years.

At the end of the 1,000 years, because of the release of Lucifer, nations will again do what they are deceived into doing now, which is foster tension against Israel.  Gentiles across the globe will lose their common sense (as they now have), fall into the trap of anti-Semitism, and conspire against Israel.  Gradually, year by year, Lucifer will persuade the nations to despise Israel, and she will not have an ally in the world.

The armies of Gog and Magog will come against Israel as a result.  Yet Yeshua will return from Heaven a third time, but with His saints this time, and again fight and save Israel.  He shall stand on the Mt. 2015-God-understanding-genesis-1-2of Olives, and split the mountain in two.  This time, instead of swords, fire will come out of Yeshua’s mouth, and kill all of the armies that Satan caused to fight against Israel (3029 AD?) at Armageddon, ending a second battle.  Lucifer will then be cast into the Lake of Fire, joining the Anti-Christ and the false prophet in tormenting agony.  Then, Judgment Day begins, which coincides with Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

I’m not sure, but I am persuaded that Yeshua will not personally judge each of mankind, but will delegate that task to His saints.  Many hundreds of thousands of saints will have long lines of those to judge, starting with the fallen angels, the “disembodied spirits” (demons), and then all of mankind that have ever lived on Earth during its 4.6 billion year history.  Those that fail that judgment will be cast into the Lake of Fire, to burn in torment forever with Lucifer, the rebel angels, the anti-Christ, and the false prophet. Those that pass the judgment will live forever on the New Earth, or in other star systems in this universe if they chose to later go there.  Nations will come to Jerusalem every year during the Feast of Tabernacles to celebrate Yeshua’s birthday. Like the grand canyon, people will come to Earth to view the Lake of Fire, to see Satan burning in agony. They will also come and see the new Jerusalem, but will not be able enter it.

With a “new Earth and universe”, Yeshua will reign forever in Jerusalem after the White Throne Judgment. But what about those saints that didn’t get to rule other universes?  What happens to them? I do not read where any of the saints will remain living in Heaven. Yes, there are songs that say that the saved will forever live in Heaven with Jesus, but Jesus will be on Earth.  Also,  what productive existence would they have up there?  I’m guessing that the saints which are not ruling other creations will have a lesser assignment. Yehovah created this universe to be explored and inhabited by mankind.  As united mankind ventures far out into unknown groups of galaxies, I’m thinking that they will have a saint, with a glorified body, to accompany them as a safety measure.

The question that I now ponder, is “what will the angels in Heaven do after Judgment Day to occupy themselves”?

Think of eternal life, never aging over thirty, with no fear, evil, or disease. The only discomfort would be temporary hunger pangs, or maybe minor injuries.  Whenever healing or restoration might be needed, Yeshua or one of His saints would be available to administer Yeshua’s virtue. All of mankind, from every corner of the universe, would forever be giving thanks to Yeshua!!

It is most likely, that the gentiles will be more prone to venture out and make other settlements throughout the universe, leaving the Jews to inhabit the Earth, and being under Yeshua’s direct rule. I say that because if any gentile nation fails to send a representative to the Feast of Tabernacles, it will not rain in their country for a year.  If they fail a second time, Yeshua will send a plague to their country. This is a case where that might yet be suffering. So to avoid that, gentiles might want to travel away to begin other settlements in other solar systems.  It is unknown if inhabitants of other planets would be required to appear.  Maybe, resident ambassadors will be required instead.

Yet in any case, life after Lucifer will be a paradise, regardless of where mankind chooses to live, in this vast universe which Yehovah has made.

Staff Writer; Herman Cummings

You may also purchase this writer book which is entitled; Moses Didn’t Write About Creation.