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(ThyBlackMan.com) Wikipedia defines bliss as “ a state of profound satisfaction, happiness and joy, a constant state of mind, undisturbed by gain or loss.”  Sounds like ecstasy to me.  We should all be on a journey to attain this state of being.  While the goal should be to reach a personal blissful existence, it’s doubly good when you can reach this state with someone.  Unlike love, which is like the target or ‘score’ in a game, bliss is the end-game. 

Have you reached a state of bliss?  Is this something you can recognize?  This writer feels like finally, she has.  In the spirit of my previous piece titled ‘C.U.D.D.L.E.’, here’s my take on bliss….

B:  Balance 

What a beautiful concept!  When you attain balance in your life, the universe lines up in a blissful synchronicity that keeps you both grounded and floating.   Like the biblical concept of being ‘equally yoked’, balance in a relationship is liberating.  It allows you to be grounded because you are not over- extended or leaning one way too far or too much.  Both of you support and sustain the other while moving organically through your relationship.  This is the ultimate 50/50 tip…the beauty of which keeps your relationship afloat.  And ironically the grounded nature of your relationship helps you float through the ebbs and flows of your romance without being turned upside down by emotional or other disruptive waves.

L:  Light

Like a flame, a healthy blissful relationship is bathed in light.  A light that is both internal and external.  Your light should be a flame that illuminates each of you in a way that you are never far from each other.  This light should guide you, lead you and help you always see your way back to each other from any of life’s challenges.  This light is your inner voice, your spiritualGPSof sorts that always keeps you on point and on the right path.  You both need to constantly seek this light and most importantly, you both need to always seek this light for guidance and wisdom. 

I:  Inspiration

 Identifying your inspiration and using it to build your self-worth and self-awareness is blissful.  Finding inspiration from non-conventional sources can also add to your attainment of bliss.  Does your partner inspire you?  Do you inspire him/her?  What is the source of that inspiration?  Sometimes it’s something obvious, like their ambition or work ethic.  But often it’s something not so obvious:  like the way he/she handles stress or comforts you in your time of need.  Or maybe it’s a simple act of kindness towards someone or the way he treats his mama.  Be inspired.  Be inspirational.

S:  Sensuality

Ahhhh….this one is not what immediately comes to mind.  It’s not sexual in the conventional sense.  Sensuality has to do with being attuned to yourself, others and your environment.  A sensual nature keeps you connected to a higher source of enlightenment.  A sensual nature allows you to fully experience your surroundings and your internal/intuitive self.  Whether it’s the act of enjoying your favorite food or how you feel when you visit your favorite outdoor location and take in all of its beauty, recognizing the sensual can bring you to bliss.

S:  Simple Satisfaction

Being satisfied.  What a concept!  We are bombarded by messages in society to never be satisfied or that being satisfied can sometimes mean we’re settling.  But when you get down to bare essentials, simple satisfaction can be empowering.  And enough.  Sometimes we need to be still and allow ourselves the simple joy of acknowledging that there are things and people who bring us satisfaction in the simplest ways.  And that’s okay!  Having your health, a place to call home and people who love and care about us should make us stop for a moment and be grateful and encouraged.  If you can appreciate those facts and be satisfied enough to honor those facts, you will more likely than not get even closer to finding your bliss.

Staff Writer; Emma M. Turner