T.R.E.E. Party Platform: The Blueprint to Primary the Democratic Party…

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(ThyBlackMan.com)  America has become the thing from which its originators fled. The British settlers fled the United Kingdom in search of freedom from a tyrannical monarchy and its division, the Church of England. Those Europeans who came to North America simultaneously fled oppression and inflicted it in their settlement. They founded a nation on genocide and slavery which provided it with debt capital. The debts of America’s establishment have never been repaid to its rightful stakeholders, the American citizen. Since the nation’s inception, the wealthy and privileged have run roughshod over the commoner. Those who fled the British monarchy have only succeeded in multiplying the monarchy into oligarchy. While few are born into the existing oligarchy and even fewer are brought into it, the rest of the populace fights for crumbs.

Generational wealth and privilege has insured that the few control the levers of power and access to capital in America even under the guise of a democratic representative government; a government which has only grown in its corruptness and corruptibility over the centuries. It is in the  spirit of paying the societal debt to the American citizen and in the interests of a society which encourages its true best and brightest to flourish that we found the party to Tax the Rich and to End the Empire of the United States of America (T.R.E.E. Party).

It is the T.R.E.E. Party’s intention to move America toward a more egalitarian society by unleashing democracy and the spirit of innovation which has sustained us since our nation’s inception. The T.R.E.E. Party is not against individuals acquiring wealth, but the party is against the exploitative means to acquire wealth which has dominated the American economy since the country’s founding. This is the party of the worker, the middle-manager, and the good hearted patriotic executive who wants to see his country win. It is clear that Republican Party is 100% facist. It is clear that a good portion of the Democratic Party is also facist, however, the Democratic Party has shown a willingness to concern itself with the general welfare of the people. Be you Democrat or Independent, ours is the platform to move the Democratic Party toward progress and therefore moving America itself toward progress.

The following eight agenda items compose the platform that the party will thrust into the American political discourse:

The Great Eight

1. Ending the War on Drugs: The War on Drugs has cost America billions in tax payer dollars and in human lives. It has also created a national security hazard at the U.S.-Mexico border. It has created a capitalized prison economy which can only grow by ever increasingly Draconian prosecution of the American citizen. The War on Drugs has destroyed the African-American family and threatens to do the same to the Latino-American family. The result of the War on Drugs in 31 years of prosecution is a net negative. The War on Drugs has never been able to stop anyone from abusing drugs; not even in prison. Marijuana must be legalized, commercially viable, and taxed in accordance to the laws that govern alcohol and tobacco. It is time to decriminalize all illicit drugs and to redirect the costs of the War on Drugs to deficit reduction and into the education of America’s children; to include standard addiction prevention and awareness education from middle school through high school graduation.

2. Federally Administered Public Education: The time has come to invest equally in all of America’s children. Genius in America’s barrios and ghettos is squandered as the privileged citizen does not believe that it exists, nor do they believe that they would reap the benefits gained from fostering such genius. America must take a fireman’s approach to putting out the hotspots of educational inequity. Where there is deficiency, we must levy our collective power as a nation to eliminate it. This must include child and adult education, area beautification, equal access to facilities, and exceptional care where it is required. The public school system must be removed from the state and local level in order to administer public resources in a data-driven and non-political manner.

3. Fiscal Responsibility: A balanced budget amendment must be passed to the U.S. Constitution which requires progressive income tax hikes on American citizens whenever there is a budget deficit. Those living below the poverty line should be sheltered. In the spirit of the poverty line, it is also reasonable to establish an affluent line. If Americans are not uncomfortable with a nominal description of who is poor, then Americans should also not be uncomfortable with a nominal description of who is rich. Those income earners above the affluent line should not be sheltered from bearing the burden of a national debt in any way and should be progressively taxed as they are likely the citizens whom benefitted the most from the abuses which created the deficit. Those citizens who earn incomes between the poverty line and the affluent line should be progressively taxed up to the minimum tax level above the affluent line. These measures will ensure that America’s higher income earners act in ways which also reinforce the solvency of the nation and will encourage the federal government to be fiscally responsible as it will undoubtedly be required to answer to the citizen’s ire at the prospect of increased taxes. The certainty of this system deconstructs much of the gamesmanship of American politics and provides stability to value of the dollar.

4. Campaign Finance Reform: All federal, state, and local campaigns will be paid for by taxes levied within the appropriate strata. Americans are currently paying for campaigns in the form of special interest group influence on all levels of government. Any deference to special interests groups inherently transfers costs on to the citizen. The removal of the profit motive associated with American elections and of the influence of special interest groups will allow any American citizen who meets the standard criteria to run for public office to run for free. There should be no minimum economic barrier to serve our nation.

5. Healthcare Reform: Medicare must be made available to all American citizens.

6. Social Security Insurance Reform: Social Security Insurance must be reformed to include unlimited unemployment benefits, disability benefits, and adequate retirement benefits for all Americans. Abuse of any system is inevitable, but human beings are inherently productive and value themselves through their work. The rewards of work must be attractive enough to yield statistical full employment. Those who cannot work should not be allowed to perish in the name of the few who would abuse our social safety net. A single progressive tax should be levied on all income earners.

7. China/India Policy: Chinese/Indian workers must be made to compete with American workers and not the other way around. American companies must adhere to all domestic labor laws while operating in China/India to include the federal minimum wage, anti-slavery enforcement, and anti-child labor enforcement. America was founded on slavery and though it fought a Civil War to end the practice within its borders, the country has now outsourced the practice to China/India. These requirements will force American manufacturers back to American soil as they will no longer be able to exploit indigenous people for profit. These principles should be applied to any other comparable economic threats to U.S. security.

8. Bring Home the Troops: Safely and responsibly remove all American military forces from within sovereign nations which are capable of defending themselves and where those forces are not actively engaged in combat operations. The American military must shift from an offensive posture to a defensive posture. It should be used to ensure that America will not be attacked and not to ensure that it will be.

Staff Writer; Blackfrankluntz

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