Brian Foulks; Is there value in scholarship?

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( I have lived all over the United States and I can tell you each place has its own nuances that make them different. But living in the South, has been an experience like no other. Here I find that many of the people have adopted a regimented lifestyle that they refuse to change. If it is not in their regular sphere of events they feel that it is wrong. This applies to their worship as well.

As I listen to the members of some of the churches here in the Columbia area. I find myself dismayed at the body of Christ and some of their tactics in the black community. Some of the things that are said and done in these assemblies are mind blowing. But once you introduce scholarship or any type of theological concept there is a brand of sorts that is labeled against  you. Regardless of the fact, that you trying to present a weighty truth that is essential to the lives of others.

I heard people say things like,” I do not need to go to school or to read anything because the Holy Spirit gives me direct words.” Their thoughts rest upon a concept that going to to seminary or reading books from others will ultimately stop the flow of the Holy Spirit-I guess. To which I greet with an unequivocal, proverbial, “No it want.” What reading and seminary has done is enhance my walk. My uncle once said to me,” He never knew a person that went to school and got dumber.” Well this is the exact thing that I encounter here in the South. Some believe that the Holy Spirit will jst walk awaay from you becasue you had an A in Systematic Theology.

I am not saying that you need to go to seminary to pastor because that might not be an opportunity that is afforded to everyone. But you can learn and be challenged through the works of others. We have done ourselves a disservice because we refuse to dialog with those who do not think like use. Truly, it is in those very conversation with others that we really get to wrestle with what we really believe about the Scriptures and God. Scholarship of all forms give us the context and the frame of reference to work from within that will in turn help build a defense for what we believe.

Yes, we still need the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit but there also must be a true understanding to effectively disciple others. Dr. Eric Mason uses an interesting word, hybrid, to describe what we must become in the body of Christ. His stance is that we must be able to have dialog with those in academia but also have the street credibility with our brothers and sisters on the street that will allow use to share the gospel. Interesting dynamic nonetheless but shamefully true. And even those with the educational background always go the road of the less travel because they still go after emotionally lead services, without sharing the knowledge that I know they have in their arsenal.

So at the end of the day as I do my reading and reports, I wonder if scholarship is valued her in the south among the black community.

just my thoughts…

Staff Writer; Brian Foulks

More articles can be found over at Mr. Folks personal website; Brian Foulks.