What’s In Your Wallet?

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(ThyBlackMan.com) I was sitting back with a friend, when he made a very interesting statement. He said, “You know the church is very big business“. Honestly, when he said it, I didn’t know how to feel. I was stunned, grieved and disgusted because I knew it was true. There is a cancer in the Body of Christ and it is quickly spreading. The church is becoming more a financial institution than anything else.

When you think of this cancer you normally think about the mega faith churches who teach a lot of name it and claim it and not much of anything  else,but now it seems a lot of the smaller to mid-size churches are being infected as well.

We are suffering from the keeping up with the Jones’ syndrome. We are concentrating more on making money and appearances than anything else.

The Bible talks about tithes and free-will love offerings and thats the way it is suppose to be. But lets talk about free will love offerings. These offerings are supposed to come from the heart not the wallet.

You cannot browbeat and force people to give. It is the equivalent of having a worship leader pushing and forcing people to open their mouthes to worship and praise God. The people will eventually do it, but they will do it with a wrong attitude and this will not please God.

What happened to trusting in God? It seems like instead of being God-sufficient, we are becoming more and more self-sufficient.

If we look at the example of the physical body, we will see that it is recommended that when we workout we do it one day and skip the next, because if we don’t we will eventually hurt ourselves and our bodies will shut down. This is the same with God’s people. You need to give them time to recoop before you keep asking them for more, more and more.

If you keep doing this, they will eventually shut down and cease to work.

We need to stop, prioritize and focus on whats important. If we don’t, then maybe we should change the motto of the churchfrom “Come as you are” to “What’s in your wallet” and this would be a shame.

Something to ponder on…(WWJD) What Would Jesus Do? What would Jesus Do if He walked into your church right now? Would He kick over the pews? Overturn the selling tables?, make the statement, You have turned my Father’s house into a den of thieves!”, or would He rejoice in the fact that He has entered into a TRUE HOUSE OF WORSHIP

Written By Louis Verges

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