(ThyBlackMan.com) A quick flip through Google on the way to writing this piece pulls up Merriam-Webster’s listing of a definition of the term “Sisterhood”. It reads as follows: The state of being a sister A community or society of sisters The solidarity of women based on shared conditions, experiences or ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) “…In many ways, spiritual exercise is a lot like physical exercise.  If you stop exercising physically, your body may not show the results of inactivity for a while.  But one day you wake up and find everything is sagging in all the wrong places.” – excerpt from A Man ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I  thought about my daughters, who don’t need yet another image, song or slogan that makes them look forward to becoming somebody’s baby’s mama, without giving a second thought to doing the hard work necessary to create a stable and sustainable family structure (we also had long conversations when Fantasia’s Baby Mama ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) This coming Sunday marks the celebration of Father’s Day for many around the nation. My son and I have made a big mess constructing an arts and craft thingy for his dad. I love seeing those two interact together, it warms my heart and I feel blessed to have ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I really had no idea of what to write about when thinking about the celebration of Father’s Day. I never knew my father. I was two years old when he was killed in my grandmother’s front yard. I was told, when I was old enough to digest the information ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) The economic recovery is lagging, we’re bumping up against the debt ceiling, we’re still fighting two wars — maybe three if you count Libya. We’re in a mess. So why do I feel the need to talk about some of the latest television offerings, especially the so-called reality shows ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) 5.) Flavor of Love     If the term “sell out” means you’ll do absolutely anything for money/you sold your soul to the devil/ lost all your moral fiber/ made your family look bad/ made your race look worse/pimp and exploit black women because white men told you too/ then ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) More than any other condition, Prostate Cancer comes up more than any other when it comes to the subject of Men’s Health. And the PSA test is most commonly mentioned when it comes to prevention of Prostate Cancer. The PSA test measures blood levels of a protein made by ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There are many connotations in the media and society that still portray African-American women in a negative light. I believe that our race needs therapy. I remember when I was in an abusive relationship and I thought the man that I was with loved me. However, I came to ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) When AIDS was first detected 30 years ago, it was considered a White, gay man’s disease. In fact, it was known as GRID – gay-related immune deficiency. Although African-Americans represent only 12.6 percent of the U.S. population, Blacks now represent almost half of all new HIV infections and nearly ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) So, we spoke up fiercely against Sotashi Kanazawa’s and Psychology Today’s production of a racist article that insinuates that Black woman are less attractive than women of other ethnicities. This was a great example of what we as Black women can do if we banded together to combat forces ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) There is probably nothing that drives me to anger more than hearing stories of abused children. It is the one exception that I make to my opposition to capital punishment, making an allowance for those who murder children; a difficult deviation from my stand against the death penalty that ...