(ThyBlackMan.com) Scorned women are blinded by their pain, moving away from their innate characteristic as a nurturer to become a destroyer. We have heard the stories before of women strategically using their offspring as pawns to inflict pain or extract money from the child’s father. The women who engage in ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) A childhood friend called me upset and very concerned last week, a friend of her 13 year old son made plans to kill himself as a New Year’s resolution. On last Saturday my cousin and I spoke on a childhood friend of hers who had just committed suicide at ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Are black men divided? Is there really a sense of brotherhood between the six or seven million brothers in America? Is it even realistic to expect such unity, given the broad spectrum of personal philosophy, social upbringing and political moorings that define black men in America? It is daunting, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Every day it seems we hear a litany of stories over the news media about single-dads mired in conflict with the mother of their children. All too often these conflicts end up in assaults and arrests. Such negative outcomes strain the father-child relationship beyond repair and impair our ability ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Sometime last month, I decided to but a new suit. It was on a Wednesday, and it was an unusually warm day in the city. The temperature was in the nineties, scorching the citizens. A fellow writer and I spent the day strolling through the streets of Brooklyn. As ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I am often asked why it is we as men (or our community in general) are unable to move past our individual differences and remain unified. There are no easy answers to this question. Much of it has to do with our societal conditioning as a people. What if ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Recently I wrote an article entitled What’s Wrong With African-American Women. But now it’s time for us to take a good hard look at African-American men and the problems we have. Beware guys, because if you keep reading, I am going to be hard on you – hard but ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) “I don’t want no scrubs, A scrub is a guy who can’t get no love from me.” There is nothing sadder than seeing a man fully committed to his late 40’s wearing clothes that were designed for someone 20 years younger than him. Actually, watching him walk, or rather, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) A couple of months ago, I was a guest on a blogtalk radio show, and a Brother asked me “What can Black Men do in order to better the relationship between the Black Man and Black Woman?” My response to him was that the Simps MUST be destroyed! These ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Let’s be clear: There are millions of black people who’ve been taught to believe that they are n*ggers. If you don’t believe me, just listen to the radio and count the number of times you hear I’m a n*gga in Paris.” Of course statements like “I’m a thug ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Before I begin, I have a few questions. Do you think it’s a coincidence that the thug rapper is more likely to be promoted than the intelligent one? Do you wonder why brilliant artists like Dee-1 and Immortal Technique can have millions of fans and go several years without ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) 400 years ago Africans were taken from their homes and forced to come and build a new world and that price of their own blood, sweat, and tears. These same Africans and their descendent s have fought so hard to rise above their expectations in this country that I ...
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