(ThyBlackMan.com) Remember that spiky-haired blonde lady fitness guru all over TV years ago? Her famous line was “Stop the insanity!” As a common sense thinking black conservative, I offer the same clarion call to fellow black Americans, “Stop the insanity!” Why do you continue sleeping with the enemy; voting for ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) “Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.” The author of this timeless quote was John Donne (1542-1631) – a metaphysical poet who wrote ‘Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, Meditation XVII’ after his near-death experience from illness. Legendary author Ernest Hemingway’s classic novel, ‘For Whom The Bell ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) For years, Racism has been defended by fastidious individuals by means of quoting selective portions of the Holy Scriptures. While proliferating this ignorance, these people are quick to quote Old Testament verses to justify many actions as such, but not limited to: slavery, prejudice, injustice, and pride. Even today, ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) According to KATU.com a woman came to work to find the kind of surprise that no one wants to face on the job. She says that she arrived and found that a noose had been left in her cubicle, possibly as a sick prank or even a threat. Even ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) “Do all things without grumbling, faultfinding, and complaining.” – Philippians 2:14 What do you find yourself complaining about in your day-to-day life? A moody client, boss, or employee? Messy spouse? Clutter? Poor service? When it comes to learning and growing, a useful tool for making meaningful changes can be ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Many will argue that because George Zimmerman was in fact acquitted by a jury of his peers, he should no longer be looked upon as a murderer. However, in a justice system where what you can prove often outweighs what actually happened, it is more than understandable why many ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) When I was a student at The University of Kentucky, I used to write about collegiate athletics in the campus paper. One of the players on the basketball team told me that the coaches told them not to read my articles, because they didn’t want “their heads getting filled ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) This in-depth study delivers a power punch of history and facts. Known for his controversial editorials, essays and articles, researcher and scholar Xavier James explains how and why we think the way we’ve been programmed to think and behave. What secrets have the homosexual hierarchy been hiding from us? ...
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