(ThyBlackMan.com) “I view ignorance of all types as a punching bag. I consider myself to be like a boxer; empowered to fight the good fight. I am therefore duty-bound and honor bound to hit that bag as frequently and as forcefully as I can – until that bag falls.” This ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Alexis logged onto Facebook one evening after getting home from work and scrolled through the news feed. Her fellow high school track buddy Ericka posted an adorable video of her two-year old daughter playing in the backyard. A colleague from her first job out of college posted a pic ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I can make this a very short blog indeed if I honestly gave an answer to the title of this article on the self hating Negroes. I can say, when you see them…….RUN the other way. I can say, when they speak to you…….IGNORE them! I can say, treat ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) A few months ago the documentary “Dark Girls” was aired on The Own Network. From a journalistic point of view this may be old news, but it really isn’t since the subject matter of “Dark Girls” has been a hot topic for years. It somehow amazes me that in 2013 ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) A while back when some in the media were debating whether or not women can have it all, I thought to myself: here we go again!  It seems the whole conversation started with a book titled:  Lean In  written by Sandberg, a Harvard-educated chief operating officer of Facebook, who ...

(ThyBlackMan.com)  The NRA and key GOP congressional leader’s response to President Obama’s new round of unilateral executive orders on gun control was as predictable as the sun rising in the Sahara Desert in August. The NRA thundered that they are useless, unconstitutional, and won’t do a thing to keep guns ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) My brother attended the red carpet premiere of his wife’s first big screen acting role at a Baltimore movie theater. Forced to park blocks away in the hood, after the movie my brother asked a friend to drive him back to his car rather than risk walking. My brother ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I’ve always respected Jamie Foxx.  Not only is he extremely talented in a multitude of arenas, he also understands the depth of personal power that celebrities have at their fingertips.  From what I’ve heard both in public and behind the scenes, I can confirm that Jamie has left me ...