(ThyBlackMan.com) I am not entirely sure, but if I was a betting [wo]man I would bet that many of you know all about (what I call) the ‘must have’ list. Of course, it is entirely possible that I am wrong, but just in case I am not, let’s talk about it. ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Just exactly what does it mean to be black and why all the ballyhoo? Is it the color of one’s skin, heritage or the ethnic group with whom you identify with? How does the “one-drop rule” making one black apply? The One Drop Rule, also known as hypodescent, says ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) I like actress Gabrielle Union. That is to say, I appreciate how she presents herself in the public sphere and her dedication to her craft. As a member of the media, if you’ve ever interviewed her you know she is thoughtful and thought-provoking in her answers. If you’ve ever ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) It is not looking good for the Tea Party and our efforts to restore America in 2014. The Obama Administration, mainstream media, major liberal advocacy groups and the GOP establishment have launched an extremely well-funded war against us. http://bit.ly/1cVTDpW So, how do we compete? Answer: We do what we ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) As 2013 came to a close it brought an end to the fifth year of the Presidency of Barack Obama. Fifth years are often difficult for Presidents who are re-elected to a second term and already pundits from both sides of the political perspective are analyzing what 2013 meant ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) You can imagine how surprised and affected I was while watching the strong, intelligent Melissa Harris-Perry break down in tears during a recent on-air apology on MSNBC. The apology came after a week of controversy following what I would call “Black-Baby-Gate,” an incident during which Melissa and a group ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) Before our universe was created, God had already made unknown billions of other creations previously, and assigned arc-angels as superintendents over them. Yehovah was making one last creation, the universe of man, which He completed 4.6 billion years ago, according to the geologist. Therefore, in the beginning of our ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The GOP has ruthlessly sold the outlandish myth to millions that a hike in the minimum wage is a huge job killer. It has been so effective in its hard sell that President Obama and Congressional Democrats have repeatedly been stymied and frustrated in every effort they’ve made to ...
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