(ThyBlackMan.com) I was born in Los Angeles, and as I gazed upon the representation of the shiny new edifices that’s envisioned as the NEW Leimert Park, I was saddened and felt a profound sense of loss. All those impressive and shiny buildings didn’t fool me for a minute, because I’ve ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Very few of the many, many thousands of Confederate soldiers who died defending slavery actually owned slaves. Most were just poor farmers. Not only were the slave owners few and far between, they were clustered in swiftly moving cavalry units that suffered far fewer casualties than the plodding infantry ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Brain surgeon notwithstanding, Dr. Ben Carson is an idiot. It seems that White conservatives will never learn that by trotting people like Allen West, Herman Cain, or Dr. Ben Carson out before the public, they’re doing themselves a disservice in the Black community. Black people know and understand our own people. ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) I’ve been a fan of Saturday Night Live since I was a child.  I enjoyed watching the likes of Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock and many of the other amazing comedians who’ve come through the show over the years.  Also, non-black comedians, like Amy Poehler, Seth Meyers, Chevy Chase and ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Dr. Ben Carson’s shoot from the lip, crackpot quips, digs, and insults at women, blacks, Democrats, and especially President Obama are fast becoming the stuff of legend. This time he almost outdid his past inane cracks with the zinger that the Affordable Care Act is worse than slavery. Carson ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) STEAM is a growing educational initiative that encourages hands-on learning that is student centered in learning and teachers as facilitators not lecturers.  The involvement  of Scientific inquiry using experimentation, integration of  diverse Technologies to meet the needs of diverse learning  modalities, using design strategies for problem solving in Engineering, ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Financial experts talk all the time about the importance of wealth, but remember that amassing wealth doesn’t happen all at once. According to Pew, there’s a significant discrepancy in wealth among different age groups. People ages 65 and older hold on average $170,494 in wealth; ages 55-64 hold $162,065; ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) To use a football analogy, it’s the end of the 4th quarter. The United States of America is out of timeouts. Our leaders are either filled with ideas or completely out of ideas depending on your perspective. Everyone in the crowd is standing on their feet – and experiencing ...