(ThyBlackMan.com) Attention to all you woke election snowflakes. Stop sucking your thumb for a few minutes because I have some hopeful news for you. If four years of living under the new Hitler and his deplorable supporters adds to your groaning and whining soul, there is a way you can ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Greetings y’all. One thing I love about the Bible is Jesus’ use of parables to tell a story about faith and the Kingdom of God. It is critical to convey a message in terms, metaphors, and relevant references that enable the audience to grasp the meaning clearly. As I ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Early on during Jim McDonnell’s stint as L.A. County Sheriff we had a private meeting. The issue was sheriff department reform, or rather lack thereof. McDonnell headed a department then that was top heavy with scandals. They included racist gang cliques, a jail under federal mandate to clean up ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) America’s political system has essentially always been dominated by two parties, long before the Democrats and the Republicans morphed into their current iterations. At the nation’s founding, Jefferson and Madison led the Democratic-Republican Party, which competed for dominance against Hamilton’s Federalist Party. This should not be surprising given Maurice ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) It’s time for Black Americans to take a hard look at our political strategy and start demanding more than symbolism and empty promises. If we continue down the path of blindly following party lines, we risk being left behind as the country moves forward. Despite shifting 21% to the ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Now that the election is over and the shock of Trump winning a convincing and decisive victory has sunk in, it’s time to look back to see how this happened and why the Deep State and its lackeys failed to stem the tide of dissatisfaction and angst that was ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Do you remember a time when Americans cared that their fellow citizens had been kidnapped and held captive by terrorists? I do. Think back to 1979, when Iranian terrorists stormed the American embassy in Tehran. They held more than 50 Americans hostage for 444 days. And we cared. The ...

(ThyBlackMan.com) Donald Trump’s comprehensive victory in the U.S. presidential election has indisputably created a new international agenda. Trump’s Republicans now also have complete control of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Like him or hate him, he has become, unquestionably, the most powerful leader in the world. Donald Trump ...